Nanoo Nanoo !
Not a bad wooking day 2day so did sum ting different & did a BooBooWinkle
Hey Wocky watch me pull sum Crabs out of my hat !

Still a bit early to get them in no's & all these came out of the same Hat
That Twick Allways works
In the meantime thought I'd try for some squiddy's inside the bay, hard yakka but I got a few & they were a wee bit big for the girly fish that were about.
Contantly watched the rod tip bouncing on the Scotty2Hotty & the kungs had probs grabbing the squid let alone breaking the release clip.
Thought I'd check the bait so brought it up closly followed by a school of around 20 girly fish [must've been on a Hens night out]
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm !
Wot Tu Du ???????????
Quick tinking by Jumpus Da Goodarus saw me rig up the spin stick as a bait rod 6/0 hook wee wee ball sinker & a big lovely strip of squiddy.
After that evlly time I saw the rod attached to the Scotty2Hotty start to bounce I'd feed the squid stip out.
Did all right using this twicky wittle twick nailed 4 girly's all just under legal but good fun on the light gear they were fat sheila's to boot