Thought I'd stop off & get a few Squiddys for bait 1st, still about but wind made it a bit hard

Still a good sized swell out there & it was rolling through the bay bommy was breaking big time
Anchored up & sat there for an hour or so & was tossing up whether to go home, not wun bait lost & nutting showing up on the sounder, new turn of the tide was not far off & decided to keep fushing till it turned.
Out off no where it turned on sounder showing snappy toms on bottom, but it was the blurters eating the baits so pulled out the light spin stick & had sum fun with SP's.

Just as action was getting hot brurry anchor pulled after sum big rollers came through, had it on a short rope in order to avoid boat swing in the wind, re-anchored but it twas hard to stay on top of my favoured drop cause i had to let out alot more rope this time.
As tide started to run in snappy toms on the chew
If ewe can call them that, I've never had a year like this wun 95% of snappys in bay all undersized] & after fishing offshore of late these fish were puny not wun even came close to a keeper.
Pt Jacksons were a pain in the butt all arvo & I did get smoked on 3kg good guess it was a kung.
Blurters ended up being the highlight of the arvo esp on the spin gear