Sep 9 2010, 07:00 PM
G'day guys,
I'll be at Nowra (Culbarra Beach) not this weekend but the weekend after. Had a look at the google earth and found out that there is a nice rock platform you can fish. I do not like fishing from the rocks but apperently the rockss are very flat and safe.
Hopefully I'll come back with some good fish.
Sep 9 2010, 07:46 PM
Plenty of great fishing spots down that way mate.. Have a look around and chat to they guys in the tackle shop there..
Jumpus GooDarus
Sep 10 2010, 02:03 AM
Alot of good platforms you can fush in JB boris
place was my backyard b4 I got into boat fishing
time of year determines species ewe can target
tu which platform were ewe refering tu ???
Sep 10 2010, 09:08 PM
Its at the end of penguins head rd. Jumpy.
Do you know the place?
Jumpus GooDarus
Sep 11 2010, 12:39 AM
Ewe kidding me boris ?????????
Just have a look @ my Avator , how more Penguin Headish can ewe get
Sep 11 2010, 03:50 AM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Sep 11 2010, 06:39 PM)

Ewe kidding me boris ?????????
Just have a look @ my Avator , how more Penguin Headish can ewe get

Jumpus GooDarus
Sep 11 2010, 04:08 AM
Only know Penguin head rd in culburra was that the wun ewe were refering to or is there another wun in JB
Sep 11 2010, 04:14 AM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Sep 11 2010, 10:08 PM)

Only know Penguin head rd in culburra was that the wun ewe were refering to or is there another wun in JB
Thats the one, at culbarra beach.
Jumpus GooDarus
Sep 12 2010, 01:08 AM
Tis called Wheelers Pt
Nice wittle uprise about 500 meters out that I fush for snapper
Pretty shallow around the point itself so dont go heavy in the lead dept.
If anything go no lead /big baits
Sep 12 2010, 03:02 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Sep 12 2010, 07:08 PM)

Tis called Wheelers Pt
Nice wittle uprise about 500 meters out that I fush for snapper
Pretty shallow around the point itself so dont go heavy in the lead dept.
If anything go no lead /big baits
Thanks mate
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