Aug 29 2010, 10:43 PM
No, not what you young hippies are thinking. Went out for a couple of hours today and did the rock hop. Water was crystal clear in Pt Hacking, as always, and the tide was running the wrong way, but I just had to get out and wet a line. Only had two ocean floats left, so fished the usual inshore possie.
Lots of cabbage on the rocks and first cast was only in the water for a minute, before the float went down and stayed down. I lifted the rod tip and came up solid. This was a heavy fish and I got it within sight just under the surface. It must have realised it was hooked, and took off for the bottom at speed. The handles on the Avon dusted my knuckles pretty good, but I got the fish to the surface again, to see it was a big, black drummer. Off he went again, and I could feel the line sliding across the reef. Ping!! and I lost float and the terminal tackle. Re-rigged with my last float and got hammered again in short order. A nice big bronzie washed in on the swell, a few minutes later. Bewdy. Got one more and had to go. A quick clean and fillet job and back home. Sorry, no pics, unless you want a pic of the fillets. Going to try and go again tomorrow, as there were huge schools of spawning fish just up river a few klms. Will go around lunch time, to get the start of the run out.
Jumpus GooDarus
Aug 30 2010, 02:01 AM
I Feel The Need For Weed
Arthor Rytus giving ewe probs again kk ???
Was watching the LB'd guys pulling them in on a velly regular basis on the weekend
Sep 29 2010, 06:59 PM
Had another couple of hours off the rocks on Tuesday. This spot fishes best on the runout and I had a full tide around 11.30am, so wasn't expecting much. A couple of guys had been there an hour or so for zilch. Rigged up and got a big blackfish in the first 10 mins. Called it for a drummer, but was surprised when it came into view. A big solid nigger. Strongest fight I have had from a blackfish in ages. A male, full of milt and getting ready for a session with the girls. I spoilt his fun. Got another a few minutes later and then nothing for the next 40 mins. Packed up and went home. The fish were jam packed with cabbage weed, so they were definately feeding. Tides will be good next week. Who'se coming????
Sep 30 2010, 02:23 AM
Boat broken mate?
Sep 30 2010, 04:00 AM
Just at the moment, it seems too much bother on my own. Plus the winds have been strong on the whole.
Oct 1 2010, 01:00 AM
great job kk,i miss goin for niggers ,i did alot of it before the kids come along,,cheers jas
Even this guy can catch one at this spot.
Oct 1 2010, 02:15 PM
thats not steve p is it kk,,,jas
Jumpus GooDarus
Oct 1 2010, 06:00 PM
QUOTE (jasonb @ Oct 1 2010, 07:00 PM)

i miss goin for niggers ,i did alot of it before the kids come along,,cheers jas
Is that when ewe were also ketching flathead in the manilla river ???
Oct 1 2010, 07:34 PM
nah that was before the kids where born ,,jas
Oct 3 2010, 05:01 PM
Well done on the fishing.
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