I pick my days & Tuday I won the lottery, evllything was perfect well allmost evllything, was running low on squiddy's cause i've been etting them all so decided to launch in the hacking.
Not such a Goodarus idea cause the squiddy's were playing hard to get & I wasted 1 1/2 hrs just to get 3 of dem, even with virtually no wind 1st 7 mile run sth saw sloppy seas & I was still only 1/2 way much shorter trip from Bellambi.
Anyways 1st bait went down just b4 2 pm & rod went off b4 I had a chance to bait up the udder wun & that was the story all afternoon, did try the Sp's whenever I lost the school from under the boat but put the rod away.
Must have been a sight if ewes could see Jumpus fighting tree fushy's all on different rods all @ the same time
Pick Handles were about again plick of a things lost alot of line from the reels thanks to them unlike the fonsy jackets [did mange 1/2 doz of dem]which worst case senario ewe lose rig @ swivel, the couta swim mid water & when the school comes through their fins are like razors & only need to touch the line.
Now if the coutta weren't bad enough !
Sammy rocked up & the plick of a thing would not go away I kid ewes not the plick of a thing ett @ least of my snappy toms made worse it only attacked the bigger fish which came on late in the arvo, after ripping them off he'd tease me only 10 ft from the boat by throwing them into the air playing with them b4 scoffing them.
How mant fish could this plick possible eat I though I even started keeping the pick handles which I'd throw into the water as a distraction so as I could keep the plick away from my snappy toms.
Have to admit I never in my wildest dreams ever thought I'd live to see the day I'd come across anything that could out eat Dave but it happened 2day
And where was that Spuddy Wuddy chappy with his New Gun when ewe needed him I ask ????????????? Sammy was huge making him an easy target to ZOT
Other than that the fushing was awesum not includding the wuns Sammy ett I would've landed around 25 snappy toms nothing huge just good plate size which I think is pretty Goodarus for 3 hrs fushing wun man.
Wont mention all the other species which found there way to my hooks dosen't get much better than Tuday kept 5 for din din