Alot to learn PadWunGurner
Weather esp wind plays a bigarus role when fushing even in close
Pick the right wind/swell direction & it's the difference between staying on the fish or missing out.
B4 I decide where to fish I take all that into consideration, that's why some days I opt to just go squidding cause I know wind wont hamper me even if it's blowing hard I sneak behind protection & wear a condom
The only good thing about offshore is that it seems there are a fair few kings hanging around
Unfortunately they're still about
A couple of mates got fish up around 10 kg jigging up @ terrigal on the weekend, which reminds me I have box's & box's of knife jigs ranging from 60 grams up to 500grams up for sale @ ridicula's price of $5 each just to get rid of them I'll get around to taking a pic or tu then post them.
Got rid of most of the poppers but still a few box's of those left
Stuff the kungs snappy toms are starting to show Stan got sum nice fush to 5kg when I got these but he was out in deeper water cause I like throwing the SP's @ them I opt to fush where I have been in shallower water prob sneak out Tumollo again