I have been hungry for a fishing fix over the oast three weeks and knew that I had to get out there before I would drive the family nuts.
Contacted my brother to see if he would join me and he piked out- we have had very few fish lately with the shut down due to the time of month and the cold weather.
Was getting very depressed and decided to go solo - when I thought of my good mate Pete.
I gave Pete a call at 4pm and found that he was very busy fixing the car. I managed to twist his arm and we agreed to fish the run out around 7 pm that night. I was just happy to be heading out and I knew we were in with a slim chance of taking home a feed.
Met Pete at the boat ramp and we headed out to a new spot which Pete had had success some months ago.
We set up and begab the burley trail and sat back and enjoyed a cup of tea and a chat.
The action was a little slow so we planned our future trips and discussed politics and footy - as PETE SAT BACK AND BEGAN SIPPING HIS COFFEE , whamo Pete is onto a good fish.
We managed a few throwbacks and some keeper bream.
Pete managed to land a 64 cm flattie which we released and he will add the picture later on.
We kept enough fish for a feed and released the rest and headed home very happy before the cold chill set in.