Arnie Dog
May 17 2007, 01:02 PM

Was out doing the jewy thing yesterday arvo with my old favorite squidgy black and gold 110mm. Tide was slowing up no other boats around and everything looked set for a perfect afternoon. Needless to say I never turned a reel on a Jew BUT the old faithful black and gold never let me down. Passing spot X for the billionth drift saw the rod double over and lock solid. I thought(As you would) Jewie. After a bit of thumping, head shaking and not much line coming off the reel. I statred to think it is only a schoolie. WRONG !!!! After a few minutes the biggest flathead I have ever caught let alone seen came into view. Couldnt fit it into the net and so I had to gaff it under the bottom jaw. OUCH ! for the fish. Getting it into the boat, it was longer than my pro tub by about 6to 8 inches. Maybe a bit more. I reckon it was pretty close to a metre long and had a wide mongrel head and super fat belly. With the lure down her tonsils I had to use long nose pliers to get it out. I took a few quick pics with the new digi camera but with the standard lens it looks miles away . But you can see it along side the pro tub and along side the new Loomis I just built this will give you a good idea of it's size. I slipped her back into the water but she turned side ways. My heart sunk but then ever so slowly it looked like she turned and gave a flick of her tail. I hope this fish lives as she obviously was one mother of a breeder. One trouble with letting fish go down my way is they usaually end up in the pros nets sooner or later. It did feel good though to see this might fish swim off even a slow as she did. I'm off again this arvo after one of the big Silver Ones

May 17 2007, 02:29 PM
hey arnie pic didn't come up. I went out yesterday Black/Gold had 2 hook ups

but they took me into pillongs.
May 18 2007, 12:22 AM
Hi Arnie D,
What a great story,will be good to see the pix...good one

Jumpus GooDarus
May 18 2007, 01:20 AM
They catch you by surprise those big flatones
Got a couple last year which went up around the meter mark couldn't work out what they were had the net ready & had to put it away when I saw the fish .
Onya Bobby your 1st report
May 18 2007, 01:55 PM
top read arnie can't wait to get back down your way and have a crack at them my self
Arnie Dog
May 18 2007, 07:57 PM
QUOTE (STEVE.P @ May 18 2007, 08:19 AM)

hey arnie pic didn't come up. I went out yesterday Black/Gold had 2 hook ups

but they took me into pillongs.


The reason why no pic ?? I never sent it. Grasshopper all this tech stuff is new to me. I have it on my pics just have to find out how to put it on the site. May be Jumpy can tell me. It looks far away when you see it but look how far past the pro tub the tail goes. But the pic belies its size it was soooooo fat. B)
May 19 2007, 02:13 PM
Nice report on a top fish Arnie Dog
Arnie Dog
Jun 1 2007, 02:55 AM
Ok Fella's here's the flatone
Jun 1 2007, 06:26 AM
thats is one mother of a flatty.... crikey!!
nice catch, hopefully be back down that way again soon!
Jun 1 2007, 01:11 PM
Chad got it right when he said CRIKEY, that is one nice Crocadilius.
Jun 1 2007, 01:24 PM
what do u mean crikey that's a dead set
STRIKE ME MATE that's a beaut ;)
good one mate keep up the good work and the photos coming
Jun 1 2007, 06:06 PM
top flatone bobby , bet you thought JEW :o
Jun 2 2007, 10:08 AM
Nice flatty
Jumpus GooDarus
Jun 5 2007, 02:19 AM
What size Hammer did you use on that Bream ???????????
Jun 6 2007, 09:59 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Jun 5 2007, 02:09 AM)

What size Hammer did you use on that Bream ???????????

Jun 7 2007, 01:07 AM
I couldn't find the pic of the Bream! Shit I must be getting slow or something.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jun 7 2007, 01:37 AM
QUOTE (SUMOFISHIN @ Jun 7 2007, 06:57 PM)

I couldn't find the pic of the Bream! Shit I must be getting slow or something.
The Flathead used 2B a Bream till he hit it with the hammer
Jun 7 2007, 01:22 PM
Yeah I eventually worked that out thats why I said I must be getting slow, I should have picked that up Immediately instead of flipping through the posts 3 times looking for a Bream (Sumo Dumkoff)
Jun 7 2007, 11:52 PM
Jun 8 2007, 02:07 PM
I don't know how Jumpus does it in the boat with a hammer, but its easy on the PC just open with desired program and a little box appears that says CONVERT TO, Just need to enter:Flathead. see its easy.
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