Did intend running sth to where I'd been getting sum nice Snappy TomMc's of late
Bitch of a time getting squiddy's @ jibbon only wun wee wittle wun after 40 minutes or so, decided to try another supa sneaky spot 4 them.
Took another hr to get 1/2 doz GooDarus sized wuns
Up till now I was going to brush the run down sth twas a bit of a swell & I didn't fancy punching into it on the way back to port but all of a sudden wind died right off swell was coming from the sth so thought Mmmmmmmmmmmmm
I'll have it up my arse coming home so off I went on my merry way, didn't get down there till pretty late in the arvo around 3'ish which didn't give me a great deal of fushing time

Drift was good with fushy's on the chew virtually right away, down on size from previous trips best just under 40 cm's kept 4 for din din
All taken on bait buggers weren't interested in plastics 2day, mind ewes really didn't work the SP's cause bait rods were going off continually
Fonsey Jackets weren't that bad 2day either got a shysennhausen load of Sgt Bakers on the plastics along with believe it or not nannygai on the plastics as well