HI all went out this morning tides were good .
decided to put some effort in spinning for Jew whith sp's . there was quite a fog this morning ,but after it lifted you could not ask for a better day.
There was a mirrow finish on the water no wind and the tide was starting to move out. julie andrews was singing in the backround what more could you want.
Started using 70mm black / gold sqidgy fish . the sounder wasn't showing mutch, the every now and then a blob of bait fish. had this great sloowww drift with the tide was casting towards structure when i got close i'd motored back out had 4-5 casts per drift .
i'd just let fly another cast and waited for it to sink its been 20min till now, started my retriev third of the way in ,I felt a bump I pused lifted rod tip and it slams down nothing mutch hapend for 2 sec. then it tore off drag was groaning , out to the side you beut. took about 40mt's then stoped felt a head rattle the he was of again. I had motor running by now to get away from structure . :o he then changed direction , and headed for freedom straight back to home base . he done me , couldn't stop him . :o
Reriged , about 5 min later hooly dooly ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ . Gone.
stayed for about 1/2hr more with no more hook ups . so off I went in seach for other fish as the tide was running a bit stronger know . got 4 throw back reds at one spot , then went to fish for flatones . got 8 and went home as the wind picked up.