Had spent quite a few hrs on monday going over the gear pulling rollers out of the guides , respooling reels etc long time between going out wide & using the big goat, quick turn of the keys saw motors fire up & all was good.
Weatherwise the day was perfect, after loading the goat all by myself I sat there waiting for Bees & couldn't help myself I was worried his luch may have been some Jolopina's so I went inside & got the biggest broom I could find & placed it in the rear rod holder it stood 5ft up.
5 minutes later Bees rocks up he chucked a U turn down the street & I walked down to jump in his car cause I wanted to go visit a mate to get that morn's live SST's B4 deciding where to go fish.
Bees I said once I was in his car, what's that sticking out the back of my goat ??????????

SST's looked great SBT only 7 miles out past where we's gotten that nice YFT season b4 last & YFT should've been not just wide of Sth Canyons boys were out on sunday fushing for blue eye on browns & yft had been gotten that day.
Launched the goat Bees was parking trailer I started punching marks into GPS when star motor died, did restart it but died again quick look @ the filter & I saw the prob, Bees had stored a Jolopina in there.
Drained the fuel lifted cowl bled the motor had probs reloading fresh fuel back into system cause of the long fuel lines so got on the ph to Chris asking him to send over his super sucker.
Breeno rocks up with a box of tools but I saw no Super sucker he'd left it behind

New filter on fuel system full still no go, re-bled everything still no go, brenno notced fuel leaking from bleeder screw which I must say is in a bitch of a place had to pull it right out to check the washer cause was tight as & just as I feared I droped the screw never 2b found again till covers come off motor did salvage washer & it was ratsheet.
Left Bees there hoped into the car with brenno to go get another screw + a spare grabed sum grease as well to attach screw to screwdriver so I wouldn't drop it this time.
All done time to fire up motor cause I was itching to get out there & by now it was just B4 1 pm
Still no go with the motor & I had the shits told Bees to go get the trailer boat still drove on with only one motor & it was back to Sea Sea Marine not the sort of thing that could be fixed on the water I knew wot prob was but needed tools.
Out came the injectors they were f****d but good enough to have started motor they did so that morn,went & stripped a set from a 115 hp chris had there fitted them up still no go with ignition, pulled plugs out next there lied the prob, they were wet unable to ignite quick clean with compressed air & motor fired let it run for 5 minutes & tidy'd everything up.
Had a looky @ the time & it was 2.33 pm only cause it was so flat out there I decided let's go, back to the ramp had to put up with the 8 knot zone but once clear it was hammer time, to far to go out to SSt marks & opted for Sth Canyons boat sat on 30 - 33 knots all the way out.
Just after 4pm when we got there, set up got cube trail going perfect I thought .5 knot drift 15 min later went to check our drift on GPS & didn't really like wot I saw we were we were on top of a thermocline which was good but drifting sth - nth.
Pulled everything in & headed sth so as the drift would carry us over my old faithfull marks, getting close to dark now then some action not wot we were looking for but a good sign nonetheless slimmy's breaking surace behind the goat in the burley trail.
Decided to ketch 1/2 doz to put out as live bait, surprise surprise they weren't slimey's but pilchards twas dark by now gave it another hr B4 pullig the plug for a couple of reasons all afternoon on the radio it twas zero's from all the boats out, just didn't feel it in my gut the fish were there even though water looked good with 18.9 temp.
When we 1st hit the ramp that morn I turned on the radio & one boat said he had yft busting up around him but could not get hookup, quite a few boats stopped to have a chat when @ ramp & the water taxi skipper told me of yft @ sth canyons yesterday.