First day we got down there we went out into the bay but i didnt like it. Flat as a tact went to the other side of the bay, Dropped a line down and the bloody wind came out of no where. 30 knots i guess

Got back in and set up camp in a camping ground down at Currumbene Creek. Fished down there and got a little Flattie after 5 mins. After that me and dad went down to The Basin. This trip was mainly just checking the area out. We drove all around the basin and up the creeks, I love it up there its a beautiful spot, Can't say the same for the ramp we used, It was shallow as and about 10 meters out from the ramp the water was dirty-ish and i hit a rock and buggered up my prop

Anyways we difted the channel of sussix inlet and a few undersized stuff but we moved into the main channel of the basin and thats when all the action happened within 5 mins we had good bites and dad lost a good bream ( est 35cm - 40cm ) at the boat but not to worry 5 mins later and i had ( couldnt believe it ) a 35cm Snapper in the boat.
After that it started getting dark so we packed it in and went back to camp.
Went to bed at 10 and woke up at 8 but got out onto the basin. First spot we got about 10 chopper tailor all undersized but still fun. They were making short work of our 4lb leader tho so we kicked the motor over and put the trottle down. But as soon as i get to around 4000 revs she started missing. i slowed the motor down and as soon as she hit 2000 revs it cut out. She wouldnt kick over after that. Always kicked over with abit of choke but cut out as soon as the choke went down. Looked over everything found out the fuel pump bulb was gone. :bricks: So we kept difting in the channel ( Towards the ramp ). I got 2 Flatties in 2 cast ( 42cm and 46cm ).
Wish i could have kicked the motor over and difted over that spot again. Got close to the ramp and the motor kicked over ( Running rough and not reaching full revs ). Flushed it ( Misson and a half ) and cleaned/washed the boat and we went home. Got home and got the fuel line of my 8hp yamaha and you know what, Kicked over fine and now runs good.
Top weekend, Looking forward to going there again