Na !
Got the new motherboard a couple of weeks back
Not the same as the original picked up on that right away & rang them
Was told it would do the job but I had to bridge solder a circuit shut which I did
Holes did not line up to be able to screw it back in so I silicon'd it in
Also silicon'd the hole head shut, cause that's wot caused the original board to fry, water gets into the head portion .
After doing the repairs on that cast that broke I got a pretty good insight as where water gets in from & if I were ewe I'd silicon that gromet thingy where elect wires go into, that's where water gets in
Anyway cause it was a different motherboard I rang Jarvis to ask for wiring positions + - & followed their instructions
Next i plugged it in & prop tried turning on it's own, circuit breaker triped as it should
But I have wun of those self re-setting breakers & it reset itself again, guess I was not thinking @ the time & head a
Big Kaboom
Blew the motherboard again
Didn't even bother pulling it apart new wot had happened & opted to send it back to them
No spare parts so they elected to give me a new Lecky
Prob is i went to great lengths to get the original with a 60 inch shaft & they sent me a 54 inch