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Jumpus GooDarus
Bay fished a bit on the poor side last few days

Snuck out last wednesday for 3 non legal kungs so decided to head out to an offshore reef of maroubra looking for sum decent sized snapper, saw the fish on the sounder but couldn't get any bait or cubes down to them cause of the brurry friggin mutton birds

Did catch @ least 1/2 doz mutton birds twas a complete waste of time so I packed up after 40 minutes & head back inside mind ewes seabreeze need to get Zotted so much for the .5 meter waves they predicted I kid ewes not twas more like 3 - 3.5 meter waves

By the time I got back inside missed the tides & it didn't help when christos rang cause shortly after all I got was sweep I think the sweep regognised his voice & came running hysterical.gif hysterical.gif

2day wasn't much better non legal kungs again but did manage a couple of brimski's in amoungst the hoards of non legal snapper also got a few blurters on SP's rebaiting was a pain in the butt so I called it a day & went to flick lures @ flatheads

Unfortunately sometimes you get bad day...still "A BAD DAYS FISHING BEATS A GOOD DAYS WORK"...... hysterical.gif

Seebreeze has been off the mark for a while now...

I couldn't believe that we caught 2 legal kingies at the same time on light rods near the markers at captain cooks bridge in 4 metres of water...1 just pushed 65cm, and the other was a beauty at 75cm.....
You did a lot better than us Jumpy, our score on Thursday was 3 wobbygongs, 2 shovel noses & 1 early release tailor.
Jumpy. A small tip for you and others. To rid the dreaded muttonbird from your berley trail and around your boat, spread a bit of tuna oil on the surface.
I have a water pistol filled with the stuff and when bothered with them I squirt it around the area.
The tune oil gets into their feathers and cloggs them up, they hate the stuff so stay away from it.
It does no harm to the enviroment.
I have a tip too, mutton bird feathers clog the holes in your burley bucket.
Jumpus GooDarus
QUOTE (Fed @ Mar 27 2010, 08:43 AM) *
You did a lot better than us Jumpy, our score on Thursday was 3 wobbygongs, 2 shovel noses & 1 early release tailor.

Noticed a big rise in water temp from the last hot session I had in the bay pushing close to 24 deg this week need it to drop back to 20 deg b4 the undersised snapper disappear

spread a bit of tuna oil on the surface

Good sized waves Frank & boat had a good swing on the anchor rope you'd have to have carried a 20 litre drum hysterical.gif

On another note a couple of the boys saw me in the bay yesterday & pulled up for a chat so I chucked brown eyes @ them SmellyFarTing.gif

They'd been out wide chasing marlins & it looks like that hot bite from up nth has finally made it's way down here
Seabreeze must have a work experience guy in charge because they're way off. Today was predicted 5-10 knot winds, more like 20-25 knots. Seas were up as well. Tried to head out wide to the FADs for dollies twice, but the conditions were just rubbish and we had to head back quick smart.
It was a good day to go fishing. Good report Jumpy.

Been a while since I have been able to go. Some interesting side tracks at the moment for me.
Jumpus GooDarus
Went down to the Sth Sydney club 2day they were hosting the ANSA comp
Caught up with alot of faces I haven't seen for years

Not alot of fishy's caught @ all

Evlly wun had a good chuckle & laugh when 2morro's forecast was announced hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
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