Snuck out last wednesday for 3 non legal kungs so decided to head out to an offshore reef of maroubra looking for sum decent sized snapper, saw the fish on the sounder but couldn't get any bait or cubes down to them cause of the brurry friggin mutton birds
Did catch @ least 1/2 doz mutton birds twas a complete waste of time so I packed up after 40 minutes & head back inside mind ewes seabreeze need to get Zotted so much for the .5 meter waves they predicted I kid ewes not twas more like 3 - 3.5 meter waves
By the time I got back inside missed the tides & it didn't help when christos rang cause shortly after all I got was sweep I think the sweep regognised his voice & came running

2day wasn't much better non legal kungs again but did manage a couple of brimski's in amoungst the hoards of non legal snapper also got a few blurters on SP's rebaiting was a pain in the butt so I called it a day & went to flick lures @ flatheads