By the way wot did ewe suckers do 2day ??????????

Really guys it dosen't get much beter than 2day, fridge was a wee bit low on squid in fact empty cause I ate them all & since I've gotten to enjoy squiding thought I'd go get sum 1st thing this morn & have a troll for sum kungs while I was @ it cause my tides weren't till mid arvo.
Oddly enough the water in the bay was quite clear so thought I'd have a go there 1st twas a bit of hard yakka & only managed 4 in about an hr so I started the motor & shot down sth where I ran into Aussie Digger & crew he'd been there for some time & only managed 4 between 2 of them so here's Jumpus with a grin on his face itching to show them how it's done

Made a Jack Ass of myself didn't I ???
Boys took off & I only managed 1 squiddy in an hr & 1/2 wouldn't say they were gone but everywhere around this spot frigate mackeral were darting here & there & guess the squid were spooked had 3 other boats come up to me all saying they'd not got a single squid.
Went to another near by spot & again the frigates were darting about decided to call it a day there & head back to the Bay didn't take long going flat stick trolled along Kurnel B4 pulling in bait & decided to go give the squid another try & managed another 5 ran into another boat I knew & between 3 of them they only got wun squid they said which they converted into a 6 kg kung when I saw them back @ the ramp.
Well I had the squid but didn't convert any into bream baits

3 pm I was anchored up & it only took 5 minutes for baitrunner to scream off felt like a GooDarus fishy to boot & actually thought it was a sluggish kung when I saw colour but nope it wasn't twas the biggest bloody blurter I'd seen for ages this thing was 60 cm's no probs about that bent over to free the landing net & the hook pulled no drama was going to release it anyway.
I'd set up 2 bait rods & had just pulled out the SP rod seeing the current wasn't that strong [getting close to lull]
I kid ewes not I should've been an octopussy 2day could've used another 6 arms action was fast & furious with numerous times fish on both bait rods &for sum reason virtually every cast with the LOX Sp rod was a solid hookup SP's were going off like there was no 2morro with fish hitting it on the way down.
Must've been quite a sight for the other 3 boats around me all shaking their heads & not managing to many fish @ all

But like I've said a 1000 times B4 fishing a spot is wun thing but knowing how to fish it is a completely different ball game.
Cut a long story short didn't keep count but kept 5 brimski's & let another 5 go dont know how many snapper I got & to boot there were @ least 1/2 doz legals over 35 cm's or there abouts but average size were 28 - 32 cm's didn't keep any prefer to

On the way in the water looked it's crappy browny self once more so snapped a pic for the reason behind the Bay being so filfy of late

Twas around lunchtime by now & thought I'd give it another hr of trolling b4 going after some brimski's