There were four of us in the car
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Majed Son Ahmed
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and Me
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We met at Majed house at 06:30ish and were on our way at around 07:10 after getting some last minute supplies, ICE, ICE baby.
The trip down was a very good and that was with Majed towing his boat. We stayed at a house that allowed us to park the boat in the drive way.
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Very good in terms of cleaning the boat and when I say cleaning the boat I mean cleaning the boat. Those of you who know him Majed is very tidy person. Those that do not know do now.

After unloading our clothes and food at the house we headed off to the Murrays ramp. First flat tyre on the trailer. We changed the tyre with the spare and headed to get this fixed at the servo. We left it there to pick up the next day. Off we went again and took a wrong turn but no matter we figured this out pretty quick and second flat tyre on the trailer. Sorry no pictures. We unhooked the boat and Majed and son headed to get the first tyre back. Meanwhile Gihad and I jacked up the boat and were ready for their return. We climbed on to the boat and sat back enjoying the scenery, Coke Zero in hand.
Got on to the Bay at just after Lunch time but we did not eat anything since heading out that morning. We hit a bit of a Swell and it was tough fishing with the swell about 1.5 - 2 meters.
We stayed for about 2 hours at pretty much the same spot but nothing was hitting the baits. We ended up calling it a day and headed back to two to get a feed and relax a little. We cook some food that we brought from our house and sat down reading the maps provided by bait shop.
The next day we started early and were on the water by 06:00 ish. Very Very Very Very Clam.
We picked a spot and started to fish. Were pulling out snapper and snapper. Majed gets hit by something big that did not want to come up so he lost some line. With in another half an hour he gets another hit and this time we expected to see something as the fight was on. About ten minutes of getting some line back it took more line. He got broken off at the leader. It started to get choppy again so we decided to move to another place jjust to try out.
We moved to Point Perpendicular and fished for a little while here.
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A little clamer here and quite a few boats here.
After some time we headed back to shore and this took quite a long time to get back the chop was wild in what we were facing. Majed drove back and right side was completly soaked. I was sitting on his left so did not get wet.

At the boat ramp the tide was fast and it took a little while before we ended up bringing the boat in. I ran into the back of the trailer at this stage as I was not that fast in reverse.
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Yep that is right broke the trailer light.

We decided to head back early and maybe fish Botany Bay if the wind was right. Here is some pictures of the drive back.
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And even some cows.
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Thank you