Quick check of tides & weather 4cast got me tempted so ended up hooking up the goat & off I went on my merry way
Was on the water bright & early around 9.30 am just missing the high tide & it was way to early to fush the arvo tide so thought I'd have a bit of fun catching squiddy's.
Running out to the heads I spotted a familiar goat twas my mates from yesterday this time in the 42 ft'er jigging 4 squid quick hurro & asked how the squiddy situation was lads only had 4.
Bugger that I said I'm off to my spot & off I went on my merry way once more, got to my spot & it didn't even take 1/2 hr to get 20 into my live bait tank so I got on the dog & bone to the boys to see if they had enough which they didn't so I got another doz for them my lbt was chokers & very black so was my bloody goat it was getting ZOTTED left right & centre by those slippery wittle suckers.
Still not even 11 am & way to early to go anchor up so I did a spot of Scotty2Hottering 1st found the school on the sounder 1st bait lasted 5 minutes goodarus solid hookup but I lost ist up on the surface around the motor cause the bloody fuse had blown on the the downrigger & I couldn't get the bomb up twas a good size kung as well think the 1st to take drag & go for a good run on the new outfit even gave the rod a workout, drag on the new tufftackle reel was also very smooth.
Oh well some quick knot work & down went the next squiddy in again in no time fuse replaced on the rigger this wun wasn't getting away ah ah there's some peeps I dont like & wot better way to get back @ them ???
Give them Kungy Steaks

Wont go on about those brurry kungs long story cut short twas nearing 1 o'clock & I'd had enough of these kungs fishing on my own I had to do all the Girly Work & land them myself & wot a bitch of a day I picked to fush solo.
Finally tally was around 10 or 11 kungs in 2 sizes they were either 85 cm's like the wun in pic below or 50 cm's throw backs which struggled to break the release clip, do know I landed 5 of the 85's & kept 2.
Ran into the boys out front of the Bay, Bakala was up on the flybridge piss'n himself laughing when he saw my goat, pretty sure I'd allready mentioned that the squiddys had Zotted it real GooDarus but I didn't see how black the top of my hardtop was.
Squids transferred to their goat I was on my merry way once more after giving the boys a bit of info where to find the kungs all to no avail cause they didn't lose a bait down there, they original intended to go back out wide to where those meter long kungs were yesterday but they had a yung fullow being sick so stayed in close.
OK all anchored up now took 1/2 hr for 1st run on the baitrunner & it twas a bonito, a bit of fun to start off the session No pics from this session as I 4got to charge batteries in camera & it deed on me
I had a fun time fushing here tis my spot & I own it

Brimki's ? only got 2 nice wuns
Snappa ? only wun legal squillions undersized
Pt Jackon sharks ? they pee'd me off but not as bad as the tailor lost count how many times I had to re - rig not to mention attacking baits B4 they had a chance to get down to the brimski's
Salmon ? yep 2 of those
Flounder ? wun of those 4 my dinner
FlatheaD ?? 2 of those
called it a day around 5