I got to meet & know most of the Boys & Gals @ Bees work, they'd either be droping off materials to my place or I'd go visiting out woop woop
Never 4get the 1st thing Jed ever said to me on my 1st visit to woop woop
His mum was there & I was told to behave
He thought I was going to start shit stiring her
As far as the Jewgong go I might even have a fush for them this year sum time & go visit wun of my off shore reefs
Also awaiting sum under water footage taken of Jewgong lying in wait for wittle fishys to swim by so they can
I've allways said that Jewgong were a lazy fish & didn't come out to play till tide started slowing right down.
Was talking to a diver the other week who told me he see's them all the time sitting behind a small rock staying out of the current & if a wittle fishy happens to swim by the Jewgong will dart out & scoff it then return back behind the rock till the next wittle fishy comes swiming by.
I actually found this quite interesting cause I allways thought the jewgong went & hid under a big rock when there was alot of current only feeding on turn of tide.
But thinking about it now it explains why so many Jewgong are taken any time of day on Soft Plastics, cause you're drifting with the boat & if your lure lands in the vicinity of a Jewgong behind wun of these rocks the SP will get eaten