Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 11 2010, 12:51 AM
I know that poly chappy is interested in the annode setup on my Yams, will take pics of old wuns once we start putting motors back together
Did go pic up my Power Heads Today all wrapped up sqeaky clean even wrapped in plastic they rival Fed's
Gearbox's & Cowls are going into paint shop tommorro, cowls would've been A OK exept that I'd 4gotten to close the transom door on the boat wun day & tilted the motors up, port cowl copped a wittle hole in it when it head butted the door.
Repair was easy, saves me doing it a mate is going to repray them for me
Mr & Mrs Shinny Heads
Feb 11 2010, 01:01 AM
Feb 11 2010, 01:12 AM
Hey jump did headjobs do the head work ?? sorry but i had to throw it in !!!
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 11 2010, 01:16 AM
Yep 1
Put it this way I wasn't going to let
JimBOOKY do the job
Feb 11 2010, 06:15 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Feb 11 2010, 08:16 PM)

Yep 1
Put it this way I wasn't going to let
JimBOOKY do the job

Jumpy. I have missed something here, why are you re building your motors ?.
Could you lead me to a link where you are explaining what went wrong.
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 11 2010, 11:01 PM
Motors were fine Frank
But sumthing has been annoying me on the port motor for last 12 months or so
Rev the motor out to say 5500 rpm & it goes fine for around 5 minutes then dies in the arse but never stalls, originally thought it was computor related cause once ewe turned that motor off & rebooted the computor it ran right for another 5 minutes then died in the arse again.
Took boat in twice & ran motors through the Yamaha analasis prog & it showed nothing was amiss, but like most things prob only occured when motor was under load.
Wun day I figured out wot the prob was, after the motor was giving me the shits I flicked the fuel line cocks over & ran that motor on the rear tank & prob went away.
I knew now wot the prob was & only got around to lifting the foor up to clear the blockage a couple of weeks back & boy was it blocked not in the tank but in the s/s fuel line had to poke some heavy wire in there to release the swarf..
Guess there's a bit more sum where & my guess is in the fuel reservoir on the motor itself, haven't gotten around to pulling anything apart yet cause I wanted to be involved in the rebuild of motors.
I've owned the motors 4 years now & they were 12 months old when I got them we didn't know how much work they'd done previously so decided to pull the heads off & have a looky.
All's good cylinder/piston etc wise, may have cost me a few $$'s pulling the heads off but @ least now I wont have to touch anything again for yonks
poly here's those anodes ewe asked about, as ewe can see my wuns are doing their job they were replaced 12 months ago
The wuns on the right came out of a 225 hp yammy today
in the smaller HP motors the anodes may not be in the heads but screwed into the block itself
Feb 12 2010, 02:15 AM
thanks for the photo J.G.,I will have to find out were they are on my little 40hp
Feb 12 2010, 12:32 PM
Are you saying that the anodes pictured are only 12 Months old, if so I'd be asking a few questions like, "WHY".
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 12 2010, 01:03 PM
Wot ewe on about Fed ????
Feb 12 2010, 01:17 PM
JUMPUS ...G'day!
your post was a little confusing:
We were wondering if the pic you showed were the anodes - on the left, you took off 12 months ago (which meant they had got into that state in 3 years)
the ones you have just taken off?
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 12 2010, 01:29 PM
Nothing Confuciosaring abot wot I said @ all even labeled the pic with wittle writtings
Both sets of anodes were in 2 different motors for 12 months
Left wuns still bolted onto their brackets are off my yams & they're nearly worn down to nothing 9that's wot they're supposed to do] cause when heads came off all galleries etc in the block were clean as a whistle not bad for 6 yo motors
Wuns on right are also 12 months old they came out of a later model 225 hp yam, & not eroded away much @ all esp considering motor sits on an LFB boat which gets used all the time
Feb 12 2010, 01:56 PM
When I first saw your skegs I said you had a problem. now that I've seen your anodes I'll say it again, "You have a problem".
Sure they're working, working overtime.... why?
The 225HP ones look as I would expect after 12 Months.
Your boat hasn't had a lot of use over the last 12 Months either.
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 12 2010, 02:08 PM
Getting the feeling it's gonna be wun of those fed days

Wot dont ewe get Fed surely ewe cant be thick as a ????
When I first saw your skegs I said you had a problem.
I dont pay attention to anything ewe say
Wots wrong with my skegs ??????
Woopy so they're missing paint down the bottom
I'll let ewe in on a wittle secret Fed
No matter how well ewe prep existing alloy which is not new paint will eventually peel away
Alloy is very porous & will hold contaminants
But just to make ewe happy I'll check to make sure my breathers aren't blocked
Feb 12 2010, 02:16 PM
I have a question, an important one I would think.
IS it necessary it strip the heads off to change the anodes??????????????????????
Feb 12 2010, 02:23 PM
I dont pay attention to anything ewe say
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 12 2010, 02:25 PM
QUOTE (poly @ Feb 13 2010, 09:16 AM)

I have a question, an important one I would think.
IS it necessary it strip the heads off to change the anodes??????????????????????
No poly !
Have a look @ the pic & ewe'll see holes on end of bracket
2 bolts secure bracket onto motor
Now down the guts ewe'll see another bolt, this bolt secures the anode to the bracket
If ewe ever want to check on the condition of your anodes just undo the 2 outer bolts tis that simple then screw them back in no gaskets etc needed
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 12 2010, 02:29 PM
QUOTE (Seafairy @ Feb 13 2010, 09:23 AM)

Like talking to a brick wall @ times seafairy
He picks on the most trivial things without understanding wot causes them
I even in person told him why the skegs had lost the paint & still he regards this as a prob
Dont think to many go to the trouble maintaining their boats the way I do, & if I think their is a prob I dont hesitate to sort it out
Feb 12 2010, 03:23 PM
Your anodes and skegs are dissolving faster than Aspros in boiling water and you say, "Look how good they're working".
You are looking at it through rose coloured glasses mate.
The lack of paint on the skegs is nothing, what I commented on was the alloy looked like fresh galvanised plating.
12 Months use say 50 hours max, your anodes should look brand new, they're almost gone!
You should be asking yourself... WHY ARE MY ANODES DISSOLVING SO QUICKLY? ... could there be a problem?
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 12 2010, 11:54 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Feb 13 2010, 10:23 AM)

You should be asking yourself... WHY ARE MY ANODES DISSOLVING SO QUICKLY? ... could there be a problem?
Dont care Fed !
Cause they're doing the job they are supposed to be doing, look anywhere else on my motors & ewe wont find any alloy corrosion not even internally esp the water galleries where ewe would expect to find corrosion.
My donks are 6 years old now & they're in better appearance wise nick than that 225 hp which is only 2 years & has visible corrosion externally
Obviously his anodes aren't doing their job as good as mine
Also remember my goat is alloy construction unlike the 225hp which is a Glass goat
Feb 13 2010, 10:38 PM
Dont care Fed !
That's all you had to say.
Wun day I figured out wot the prob was, after the motor was giving me the shits I flicked the fuel line cocks over & ran that motor on the rear tank & prob went away.
I knew now wot the prob was & only got around to lifting the foor up to clear the blockage a couple of weeks back & boy was it blocked not in the tank but in the s/s fuel line had to poke some heavy wire in there to release the swarf..
Guess there's a bit more sum where & my guess is in the fuel reservoir on the motor itself, haven't gotten around to pulling anything apart yet cause I wanted to be involved in the rebuild of motors.
Why would the problem be in the motor if the problem went away when you swapped tanks?
I do read what you write mate.
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 13 2010, 11:49 PM
That's all you had to say.
They're called Sacraficial Anodes & if they didn't erode away need I would start to worry
Why would the problem be in the motor if the problem went away when you swapped tanks?
I do read what you write mate.
Alot to learn PadWunGerner
I never said prob went away if it had then I wouldn't be stripping the motors
I said that I cleared the blockage in the fuel line
Either sum of the crap got through & made it's way to the reservoir [which holds about 1/2 litre of fuel] or a new restriction has found it's way into that motors fuel system after the main filter cause last trip didn't matter which tank I had that motor running on it dropped revs
Feb 14 2010, 12:37 AM
I never said prob went away if it had then I wouldn't be stripping the motors
Wun day I figured out wot the prob was, after the motor was giving me the shits I flicked the fuel line cocks over & ran that motor on the rear tank & prob went away.
Yeah right.
Either way you'd think your filter/water trap would have caught anything else.
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 14 2010, 01:30 AM
Fed I have never in my life cum across any bloody as dopy as ewe are oh great DopeyWunCanobe
And ewe have the ordasity to sit there & tell me that ewe read wot I write
I worked out the tank swapping over 12 months ago & let it ride till a few weeks ago when I unblocked the line.
Now is there anything else your feeble wittle mind needs educating on ????????????????
Feb 14 2010, 01:36 AM
Look up & read what you wrote.
(It's in BOLD in my previous post)
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 14 2010, 01:40 AM
The only thing Bald around here is your Shinny Head
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 18 2010, 12:38 AM
Luv it when I'm on the money
Finally started on the motors today& just as I thought fuel reservoir on port motor [wun giving me grief] had alot of crap in there whereas starboard reservoir was clean as a whistle.
Also had a sticky injector
Take the boat in on munday toput power heads back on then it's the wild blue yonda 4 me
Feb 18 2010, 01:11 AM
How did the crap get past your filter?
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 18 2010, 02:21 AM
Not wun filter I have 2 filters
Feb 19 2010, 01:56 PM
How did the crap get past your filter?
It's a worry mate.
EDIT: Maybe the crap was in there from the previous owner?
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 20 2010, 02:07 AM
Oh well shit travels but only on wun motor
Bit of crap on the butterfly's but only on wun motor

Maybe the crap was in there from the previous owner?
Nope I had 8 new injectors fitted when motors were on my old blue boat & we'd striped the fuel system down back then, mind ewe the both reservoir's had heaps of crap in them back then I know cause I was the wun who pulled them apart & cleaned them
Feb 20 2010, 02:12 AM
Hopefully it will all be 100% when it's finished.
Looks a bit rusty looking, someone peeing in your tank?
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 20 2010, 02:15 AM
That's just staining from the carby cleaner wiped off with a rag
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 23 2010, 12:18 AM
Should be on the water thursday it's going in 2morro to get finished off
Gearbox's & cowls got spayed 2day & look SpoofyLaCockaSsen
After paint job I started cleaning the manifolds etc so wont take long to put motors back 2gether then out to the Bay for a test run
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 25 2010, 01:36 AM
Cowls came up GooDarus
Nov 23 2010, 12:44 PM
Just brought this to the top to remind you Jumpy, nearly time to check your anodes again.
Your new Merc would be overdue too.
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 23 2010, 04:54 PM
Anodes will be fine on the Yams, hardly used the big goat only a handfull of times since they were changed not enough hrs to even warrant a service.
Merc on the other hand has allready got 200 hrs up on the meter since feb
It got serviced the other week when put it back on the goat & sure glad I wasn't the wun who did the service this time
Glad I wasn't even there 2b honest else I wouldn't have been to happy.
Apparantly only on a few of this model & Mercury haven't got a clue as to why it happens
When removing the gearbox from the powerhead, the powerhead dumps all the engine oil no damage to the seal but you're left with a big puddle of engine oil on the ground
Nov 23 2010, 05:50 PM
I bet that gave the outboard guy a shock.
Apparently 4 strokes can 'make' oil in certain circumstances like trolling etc, something to do with blowby fuel getting into the oil, increasing the volume and diluting the oil. I've never heard of one taking a dump though, did the whole lot come out or just some of it?
Do you know if he looked at the anodes?
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 24 2010, 11:48 PM
Nothing to du with wot ewe Sed Fed
Wasn't there but got told it twas a total oil dump no different to removing drain bolt on a sump
Only it all came out from the driveshaft seal
Nov 25 2010, 03:38 AM
Probably needed an oil change anyway mate.
Nov 22 2011, 01:51 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Nov 24 2010, 07:44 AM)

Just brought this to the top to remind you Jumpy, nearly time to check your anodes again.
Your new Merc would be overdue too.
You did you change them last year didn't you or is that 2 years now? ..... Yeah right.
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