Feb 10 2010, 08:37 PM
Anyone fished the peak lately ?. Going out on Saturday seas permitting.
I haven't fished the peak or anywhere off sydney for a few years now, longer then I care to remember.
We are going for a bottom feed so I believe it should still be OK for perch mowies snapper etc ?.
Any other spots around if the peak prooves to be dry ?.
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 10 2010, 11:18 PM
A very underated & under fished reef these days Frank
I briefly stopped & sounded it a few week back on that day we were out looking for Kungs [think I refered to the thread as the CONCERT]
Did see alot of activity on the bottom & they weren't rubbish fish either, Pinkies were about around that time spewing we didn't have any bottom bouncing gear on board.
Took off after 20 minutes after not spotting any kungs on the sounder & headed out to the 12 mile
Feb 10 2010, 11:36 PM
Your upcoming fishing report from the Peak could easily determine if I get an epirb or not Frank.
Feb 10 2010, 11:47 PM
FRANK .... go fiSh the "Peak" ... good report and I will fork out the dollars for an EPIRB!
Feb 10 2010, 11:49 PM
WHAAAAAT!!!! Mr Fed told me you wouldn't venture past Bare Island without a flotilla in tow to protect you. Thought you may have gone out in the Port today. saw a Sea Farrrer with an old guy in it. Called out 'hi baldy' but he waved his fist at me. Obviously wasn't you two.
Feb 10 2010, 11:58 PM
KKW ... couldn't have been us ... I didn;t hear you ...
Mate if we had an EPIRB on board I would have ventured out early this morning .... GEEZ! I miss those big fishes out there ... still not used to the smaller boat 'outside' ... considering I am doing most of the driving!
Feb 11 2010, 12:17 AM
Soft, get out there and buy the epirb! Had one till I sold it with the boat and was taking my little 14ft tinny, 30hp tiller out to reefs in sensible swell a couple of k's offshore and a few k's south of the heads, your boat is much larger and safer no exuses.
Feb 11 2010, 01:55 AM
Thanks Jumpy. I'm going with a guy I have never met. My step son lined it up, mate of he's .
It's a 36 ft ex trawler aft cab and I believe it has decent electronics, so should be able to find something.
Will have to remember to take the camera, if its really successful I might call it spot X in my report.
Feb 11 2010, 02:06 AM
go out there and get em frank
im gonna give the peak a go one day . needd to upgrade the boat first
Feb 11 2010, 02:23 AM
get out there,
i ventured out to the peak for a days fishing last summer,
apart from some personal berley..... dam breakfast... it was a wild day, cant wait to i do it again
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 11 2010, 02:36 AM
QUOTE (nimrod @ Feb 11 2010, 08:55 PM)

if its really successful I might call it spot X in my report.
Way I used to fush it Frank was to keep right away from the pinnacles get out into 80 meters drop anchor so as ewe finish up in around 72 meters
In other words you're baits are being fed into the wall rise
That's where the snapper will be
With the Pinkies a drift is prob the best option as they like the flater part of the reef
Fad is only 1/2 mile sth of the peak if that & have heard Mahi's are starting to make an appearance
Woth the effort to give them a try but use this method we were the only wuns catching them when last I was there
Cut up cubes throw handfull into water then feed out a loaded hook weighted down by a sinker all baits in water should go off
Feb 11 2010, 02:54 AM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Feb 11 2010, 09:36 PM)

Way I used to fush it Frank was to keep right away from the pinnacles get out into 80 meters drop anchor so as ewe finish up in around 72 meters
In other words you're baits are being fed into the wall rise
That's where the snapper will be
With the Pinkies a drift is prob the best option as they like the flater part of the reef
Fad is only 1/2 mile sth of the peak if that & have heard Mahi's are starting to make an appearance
Woth the effort to give them a try but use this method we were the only wuns catching them when last I was there
Cut up cubes throw handfull into water then feed out a loaded hook weighted down by a sinker all baits in water should go off
Thanks again Jumpy. The fad would be on what we used to call south peak it's 3 times the size of the peak and at times it used to fish better.
When the peak was chockers with boats when you slept in we would have to go to south peak, but then I stopped going out there about 84 or 85 so probably got called something different after that.
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 11 2010, 03:06 AM
Yep there's actual 3 peaks out there
I allways prefered the most Nthern but ewe had to get in early cause it only had room for 6 or so boats
There's around a 100 meter window in between wot I call the Nth peak & the peak itself
that area is a 80 meter deep trench I refered to earlier & that's where ewe sould start sounding to pich your spot
After that it's the plateur which runs sth for ages
Have to pull my finger out & start fishing the peak again like I said it's very under fished these days ever since GPS's became affordable to every tom dick & harry
Feb 11 2010, 06:05 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Feb 11 2010, 10:06 PM)

Yep there's actual 3 peaks out there
I allways prefered the most Nthern but ewe had to get in early cause it only had room for 6 or so boats
There's around a 100 meter window in between wot I call the Nth peak & the peak itself
that area is a 80 meter deep trench I refered to earlier & that's where ewe sould start sounding to pich your spot
After that it's the plateur which runs sth for ages
Have to pull my finger out & start fishing the peak again like I said it's very under fished these days ever since GPS's became affordable to every tom dick & harry
I think for memory the plateo you speak of is a vast gravel bed between the peaks and is very good for picking up the travelling fish going from one peak to another, or used to be, I used to laugh at amatures that would venture out beyond the shelf and indeed the very few ( in them days that even knew browns existed ) all the fish you could ever want was at the peaks or there abouts, I have captured 3 decent stripes from the peak and untold amount of giant yellowfin ( biggest 97 kilo ) never did crack the magic mark ( but better then the old 200lb ) and literely thousands of monster Kingies ( biggest 42 kilo, what a fish that was ) all from the Peak in the late 60's 70's and early 80's stopped going out there around 84-5 when it got too much like pitt st.
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 11 2010, 10:34 PM
The Peak was the spot back then for the real Big Jumbo YFT
They'd rock up 2nd week in May & stay for 6 weeks or so
Wun season sticks in my mind I nailed 9 YFT all over 90 kg each
Wun other trip we had a triple hookup Jingo got popped after 10 minutes, my fish plugged down deep & eventually died had buckleys of lifting it up but did manage to nail the 3rd in the trifector & it went 106 kg.
Stretch got int moulded & sits up on his wall.
ps]Was talking to wun of the Pro's today when he came in to pick up his goat after a service said it's been a bit quiet on the Peak last couple of weeks but there's quite a few good sized snapper in close
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