Feb 6 2010, 02:25 AM
fellow boaters,
i am of the thought that as ma boats got the 6hp aux that really 6hp is a little 2 big to be an aux for a 4.6 mt boat, and its right side heavy as thats the side it sits on... im going to either buy a small tiny and put the 6hp on that or sell the 6hp and buy a mini kota or something sim,
now what thrust should i get ? remembering that its 4.6 mtrs long
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 6 2010, 02:49 AM
55 lb 'r will be enough thrust + tis only a 12 volt motor
I do have a Minn Kota on my Wittle Wittler boat but just got a Water Snakey 80 lb'r for my Wittle goat & must say I much prefer the foot control on the Water Snakey
Feb 6 2010, 02:54 AM
I think its the weight that you need to think about and not so much the length of the boat.
My poly comes in at 264kg's plus motor 105kg's [I think] plus fuel and bits and pieces, say ad another 50kg's, so far the 54pound water snake has done a good job of moving the boat around, now having said that it has not yet been out in strong wind or tide and I know that will affect the way it preforms.
Feb 6 2010, 02:59 AM
QUOTE (hustler57 @ Feb 6 2010, 09:25 PM)

fellow boaters,
i am of the thought that as ma boats got the 6hp aux that really 6hp is a little 2 big to be an aux for a 4.6 mt boat, and its right side heavy as thats the side it sits on... im going to either buy a small tiny and put the 6hp on that or sell the 6hp and buy a mini kota or something sim,
now what thrust should i get ? remembering that its 4.6 mtrs long
Personally I don't think an electric motor would be suitad as an auxhillary, they are a great way of manouvering a small tinnie around snags or holding them in current for lure chucking, but don't think they would be suitable to use with a half cab fibreglass to motor it along.
OK for a few yards but any sort of wind or current chop etc and you will be going backwards.
Move your 6hp to the port side of the boat would be a more suitable solution.
Feb 6 2010, 03:11 AM
changing it to the port side i think would only be a short term fix..
as it would be good when im out alone but when i am 2 up in it then there would be to much weight on the port side....
i see my options being either downsize to a smaller hp aux or go and buy an eletric 1....
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 6 2010, 03:24 AM
Hustler I was under the impression ewe wanted a lecky to use for when ewe go lurecasting ??
If not dont waste your $$'s buying wun to use as an auxilury
Feb 6 2010, 03:42 AM
well it would be great if i could combine the 2 into 1 ...... an aux and troller in 1 ...
but i think i may save my money for the moment , im thinking of buying a jet ski
Feb 6 2010, 04:17 AM
QUOTE (hustler57 @ Feb 6 2010, 10:42 PM)

well it would be great if i could combine the 2 into 1 ...... an aux and troller in 1 ...
but i think i may save my money for the moment , im thinking of buying a jet ski
You're changing your mind more then Jumpy changes his underwear.
I had a 9.9hp johno on the rear ( port side ) of my little 4.75 Steber for years and the weight issue didn't bother it.
If you're really worried over the weight issue a lecky wont be much different from the 6 hp cause you would have to put a shanoble type battery in to make the lecky do what you wanted it to anyway and the huge battery you would need + the weight of lecky wouldn't be all that much lighter then the 6hp on bracket.
You could always carry 6hp in cabin till needed and hang it on the bracket when all else fails, not all that heavy. Just make sure the fuel connection is same as main motor or you will be needing spare fuel and line as well.
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 6 2010, 04:33 AM
QUOTE (hustler57 @ Feb 6 2010, 10:42 PM)

but i think i may save my money for the moment , im thinking of buying a jet ski
Ewe cant bolt a lecky onto a Jet Ski
You're changing your mind more then Jumpy changes his underwear.
I dont wear any as I've found they restrict my attempts to
Free Willy
QUOTE (hustler57 @ Feb 6 2010, 10:42 PM)

but i think i may save my money for the moment , im thinking of buying a jet ski

Saving money by buying a jetski!!!??? Licence fees almost 4 times as much as a general licence each year. Talk about changing direction mid sentence. You were correct when you said
" i am known for often talking in riddles and all over the place but that comes from previous work experiences and training.
jg please dont try and make sense to much of what i say as ive had people for the last 30 years trying to make sense of me and they are still trying.."
Feb 6 2010, 02:00 PM
as said change it to the other side then just try and rearrange your boat a little to compensate for the weght distribution,,jas
I would have thought a 6HP aux motor would be a good size for your boat Hustler.
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 6 2010, 02:34 PM
That's your prob Fed
Ewe dont THINK
If you think I'm wrong Jumpy I'm happy to listen to your thoughts on it but until you put up something constructive I'll just consider your posts to be your normal psychotic ramblings.
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 6 2010, 03:01 PM
Fed I'm on a ROLL & taking the

out of ewe
Feb 6 2010, 03:21 PM
:offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic:
just took a look at the weight of a new tohatsu 6hp two stroke and it came in at 25kg's.
the battery for my lecky is 30kg and that will run the motor for about 2.5 hours flat out [may be about 4or5k] so i have been told
So to me it would be a step back to fit an electric motor to be used a spear in case of a break down.
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