BOTANY BAY: 28TH Jan 2010
“Turtle Day”
Just got home and had a beer (or 2 or 3) … thought I’d post a report for today.
Pretty good day all up!
Didn’t get out until “late” – still incoming tide at the ramp.
Decided to try out some new skirt lures we got earlier in the week; trolled from 2nd runway to the heads and back – NO GOOD!
In the mean time we battled with tugs and container boat
Went over to near the bombie off Bare Is; swell and chop to about 1 –1.5 metres. Caught a couple of legal-sized breamskis - enough to feed us when they are ‘gilled/gutted/scaled/stuffed.
Hung around for an hour or 3 and then headed home!
Don’t feel like I have been through the washer today!
So … pretty good day!
When we arrived at the ramp someone had putout an old trap (probably looking for muddies) and had caught a turtle (NOT a tortoise – it had flippers). I saw the trap on the other side of the ramp when we pulled up and by the time FED had parked the car it had washed down to the wharf.
We were going to free the poor thing but it was DEAD!
Fair sized turtle for up the Georges R. About 18” x 14” (45cm x 35cm) … had a large head and a beak … sort of looked like a “snapping turtle”.
Anyone hear about these sorts of turtles in the Georges River?
I know we have sharks … BUT turtles?
HEY JUMPUS ….. we saw your old blue boat heading out of the Georges R on the way home!