Hi Guys,
I have been a bit busy since returning from Lake Conjola (actually since buying my house in august). But here is a little report.
During my Christmas Holiday I had set my goals to catch more fish than last year in this lake. Not to hard considering I caught very little last year:-)
Started on one of the first few days with some sp of the side of the lake and caught nothing but shredded sp's (leatherjackets galore). All the while my son was muckig around with his lure (so I thought) when all of a sudden he reels in a nice little flathead.
1-0 for the kid.
It was a family holiday so I did not get to fish every day but a few days later went and got some yabbies and went fishing with on the lake. Some decent bream and whiting were caught and again I was outfished by the little one.....
I had heard that poddy mullets and beach worm were the gun baits so I decided to get me some of those and teach myself some new skills by catching them myself.
I must admit that I did not expect tto catch any beach worm but I ended up with 6 big long worms in one hour (missed many more). Thanks to the missus who looks a bit silly in a pair of pantyhoses with just one leg.
I took the worms and the mullets and went fishing again but during the hottest part of the day this was not a succes. My son insisted on using poddy mullet but on 3-4 pound line I did not really want that but gave in. Off course this was the only decent bite and the rod buckled over and just ripped the line. Some toothy critter must have take a liking to the mullet.
I was however outfished again by the little kid (easy I caught nothing and he caught 1)
Than it was my turn. Fishing of the banks using yabbies and peeled frozen prawns just at dusk.
Legal flathead, couple of legal whiting , legal bream and legal flounder this as well as a whole heap of undersized stuff. I finally found them.
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Managed a few more short fishing adventures which were very much enjoyed by the little one and I must be putting the bait on properly for him because he keeps outfishing me :-)
Booked on a fishing charter for a day as well and caught some morwong, snapper and pigfish(I have been told)
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Highlight: I caught my first octopus ever (on a line and hook) and second one with a stick and a kayak.
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People told me there were no more big fish in the lake but snorkeling just off the caravan park I saw.
Very large Bream
Very large Whiting (king george eat your heart out size)
A massive flathead which must have been close to the magical meter as well as several smaller versions
A bullnose shark
Very large blackfish
Big schools of blurters of decent size
PS: Notice the Shirt