Well peeps went fushing today with majed who's definately not a Midget

All was well till majed went to park the ute that's when I'd realised I'd left the bombs back on the big goat so I ling ling majed not to park & go back to get them.
Hmmm all by my wittle lonesome self thought wot the heck as I was slowly drifting in the cooks river, pulled out a spin stick cliped an SP on & the very 1st cast I was into a flatwun, had to wait 3 more casts B4 I got the next wun.
By this time I'd drifted next to the moored goats changed the jig head down to a lighter wun to see if any brimski's were about, guys I was running hot in fact Ion fire to bad the brimski's weren't the bigger models they were only wee wittle fulla's biggest around 25 cm's but wot the heck they kept me amused till majed got back.
Not a breath of wind across the bay quick run out to wun of my squid spots & again I was on fire esp after how hard it's been to get squiddies in the bay of late
Racked up 3 in 1/2 hr then it twas like they switch off the chew next 45 minutes not a touch & didn't think 3 were enough so off to spot no 2 zero results there & off to spot no 3 again for zero results should've just done the run down the coast to get them but couldn't be bothered esp with the swell still out there.
Coming back into the Bay I got some GooDarus readings on the sounder & I said to majed these are Kungs, pulled up out went the Scotty@Hotty's, with only 3 squiddies in the tank opted to put a Biggeress Humungus plastic on star rigger was given these the other week to have a looky @ & was told Kungs were going apes over them.
Down it went & a squiddy on port rigger, 2 minutes laterrod on port side was buckling over with squirts of line dissappearing from the spool majed got there to late & the Kung had spat the hooks not only that but the plastic which was unweighted had also been hit & released from the bombs release clip, tis a long SP 10" guess I should've included a stinger hook into the rig.
Not to worry out it went again & so did another squiddy fishing was getting quite tuff by this stage cause it took a whole 5 minutes for both to go off again SP missed hookup but we were in solid on the squid bait this time didn't take long @ all to get it to the boat on the 15 kg stick & majed had caught his biggest ever Kung naturally I called him a girly whirly & laughed @ him
Kung went 73 cm's & I had a not bad brimski live bait

Well peeps this is where Boney M came into play majed was dancing all around the goat singing
By the rivers of Lebanon, there we sat down
ye-eah I wept, when I remembered Zion.
By the rivers of Lebanon, I caught my KUNG
ye-eah I wept, when we remembered Zion.
When the wicked Kung
Carried us away in captivity
Required from us a song
Now how shall we sing the lord's song in Jumpy's land
Down to the last Squiddy & it was a horse to boot stinger hook only made it 1/2 way down it's body I reckon this squid was intimidating the Kungs cause they wouldn't touch it whenwhile the SP got nailed once again with no hookup 1/2 hr later I said lets go try for sum smaller squiddy's again but to no avail so gave the Kung Fushing a miss & went to anchor up for a bit of bait fushing.
Not a bad arvo's fushing nothing to write home about only wun keeper snapper heaps just under majed's kungy caught me 3 Brimski's 4got to take pics, ewe guys wouldn't believe it majed hooked 2 squiddy's eating his pilchard bait only to be dropped @ the boat.
Oh ! did manage wun more species when a salmon took my bait twas a bit of fun on the light gear

Overall it was a GooDarus days fushing caught up with Fed & Seafairy on the water bastard nearly blinded me when he took his hat off