Took the boat down Port Botany and was at the drums by 11am....
It was a terrible ride out with the huge swell......i haven't seen a swell this big in the bay for a long time....

I could also see the waves were smashing on the rocks at the heads and shooting up many metres in the air...the same could be said for the break wall..
Could not fish at the drums as it was terrible with the huge swell....went over to the oil wharf which was a bit better....
very few bites here...

After an hour we decided to move and try the third runway.....A few boats here but still no bites at all....couldn't see any other boats catching either....by now the damn wind had picked up and the bay was becoming choppy on top of the huge swell....
We zoomed across the bay to Captain Cooks Bridge and then Tom Ugly's....again absolutely zilch...

Headed back to the bay which was still the same....and still nothing at all.....
This was the first fishing trip ever where i was unable to land any fish at all.....not even a tiny one....

Seebreeze has stuffed up once again....there was no forecast of such a swell and windy and choppy conditions....

A day out on the boat in these conditions i must say is not so enjoyable.....
Tomorrow morning i am heading out with Jumpus...i am sure i will pick-up a lot of tips from the fishing master...