Today was intended to be a Will Smith Day Lets Get Jiggy Wit It
A box load of new sample rods had arrived & the boys/myself wanted to test a few out on kungs various lengths ratings etc cause these rods come with sum of the weidest line class ratings.
Anyways plan was to head out to the 12 mile where kungs have been frequenting of late, enroute pitt stopped @ the peak had a sound saw nutting of interest, then caught epsy of the Taking Machine aka Action Charters approached him & the bastard took off heading back in.
Then ph went ling ling twas a mate downrigging in the bay wanting to know how I was going told him talking machine did the harold holt & I thought prob because sum wun was chuck chundering which is norm on charters.
Told Goodster we wee heading to the 12 mile he volunteed to get taking machine on the ph & find out wot happened flat seas saw us n the 12 mile b4 goodster got back to me, he tod me I was wasting my time kungs weren't there nor on the peak that's why a few of the boys had come in including wun of the pr's
Well I did find fush on the sounder but didn't look like kungs down way to deep but thought wot the heck drop jigs boys that was the 1st & only drop no or velly wittle wind saw us drifting @ 3.6 knots.
Headed into sth Maroubra o et sum squiddy's & o join Goodster in the bay, No squid & the Nor easer made it a bitch of a drift
Off into Malaba same deal there
, same @ cape banks as well
Goodster got 4 squiddy's @ Jibbon & said it was a bitch getting them but he was fushing solo there ws 4 of us on board, off to Jibbon wot a wase evlly tom Dick & Harry was there with spearfisho's in the water etc etc
Off to Shark Isle hoping to @ least get slimmy's, ended up with yakka's instead but I did nail a monster Sqiddy for this time of year to big to toll
Thought bugger this the day & tide had slippd away so off we went back to botany bay when I finally slowed down wun of the boys said to me
I've got sum bad news !
Your browning Rod went swimmys [he was using that outfit by the way]
I said $500 worth of out went swimming ???? Told ewe guys your fishing rods are no good & they jump out of boats & cant float now do ewes believe me

back in the baygot goodster on the dog & bone all his 4 sqiuiddys had gone off to Kungs all fush landed 85cm kept three just under 650 released puled up along side & borrowed a rod for the rod loser on my goat.
We pulled the yakka's for an hr or so to no avail tide was turning @ 4pm got on the bommy around 3 pm as i knew we'd get sume fush'ee's there, anchored up could see them on the sounder & it 1/2 hr for them to start chewing.
Bee's kept droping his bites I was Sp'n ten switched to bait got a few goood bites 3rd wun was a beaut thought I'd pulled hook turned out I was cut off
Re rigged I'll mention all we were using were 3kg outfits didn't intend baitfushing & they were only on board to catch squid.
Next feed I was in solid this time & the wittle browning 1050 was screaming like it had never done B4, I get line back on it woud scream off again, Then I got the line back on it woud scream off again, the reel was singing 4ever & it had to be a Kung fortunately every run it took was out over the sand & not over the reef.
By this time we had a large audience looking on from another goat watching this kung take me all around my goat, finally colour & called for the net, 1st fush landed & a standing ovation from the onlookers in the other goat.
Well @ least Jumpus had now caught himself a Live Brim bait I though to myself

Have to admit it was alot of fun n the 3kg out but that dosen't mean I was going to pose with it for a pick DUCK FLAKKA got that job

Rest of the arvo saw aot of undersize snapper, not a bad treva, tailer, Bees got a legal snapper hence my 2 Miracles have now been performed
Oh I ended up naiing a Brimski when I fed out the live kung out