Wont work Fed
Ewe'll be geting tangle after tangle
I've got e DUCKS bum in the Scotty2Hotty range & they work a treat, beinf electric they're a breeze if ewe were out fushing on your own cause if Kung takes the bait all ewe need to do is push the button & up comes the bmb all by itself without supervision, which in tun alows ewe to concentrate on the fushy.
If ewe dont want to Show us the $$'s
for say the 1085 mdel & did want to have a crack @ making wun yourself this is how I wuld do it.
1st thing ewe need to have an extended arm on the thingy to clear the goat & motor else I can see the prop doing chewing exercises, 45 degree's is wot ewe want
Ewe can achieve this by bending a piece of alloy or stainless tube @ around 45 degrees now this tube needs to fit inside a rod hold & a slot cut into the end to be abe to lock int the rod holders pin.
From the rod hold eave about 60 ccm's pretruding on the end of that fasten a pulley for wire to run through
Find a old shitty overhead reel either drill& screw it into top of the tube arm you've bent or use hose clamps
Just as cheap if not cheaper to use wire than braid to tie off ont the bomb
With the wire you can crimp a sleeve evey coupe f meters to indicate depth