Jan 13 2010, 09:43 AM
fellow boaters,
got into a wittle bit of a argument last night regarding how many of the fuel stations are slowl fassing out the standard unleaded fuel,
a mate of mine swears by the e10 fuel saying its got a octane rating of he claims 95 which is bullshit...
if i fill up with 98 octane i get about 500-550 kms out of a full tank and ma car runs lke a dream, if i fill up with
the e10 fuel my car gets about 400kms to a tank plus it runs like an old datty.... it coughts and splatters.. i wouldnt dare use it on ma out board....
ive spoken to a few mechanics about this and 1 mechanic says that the octane rating on the e10 is about 85.
what are your thoughts on this ?
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 13 2010, 01:32 PM
Yeah it makes it hard down my way cause I'm limited to find servo's that dont sell ethonol end up paying through the nose as well cause fuel for sum stupid reason is dearer here than anywhere else.
Would not use or recomend E10 in cars where it get used up quickly let alne in a goat where it can sit for months before getting used.
Had a bad expirience a few years back with E10 hadn't used the wittle goat for about 6 months & the E!0 blocked the rubber fuel line where it sat on the hull floor, it soliderfied & dried up causing a blockage around 40 cm's long ook me ages o gfigure out wot had happened & to clear it out.
When asked I tell peeps DONT USE E10
Dont fuel up after a day out, wait till next trip & top up tank just b4 heading out 2 reasons for this
* full tanks on a hot day will expand pushing fuel out the breather & can be dangerous
* Sored fuel in tank will lose it's octane level so fresh fuel will boost up that octane level
Only advantage of leaving a tank fuel over a long period of time is ewe limit any chance of condensation that may occur cause you're removing void space inside the tank
Jan 13 2010, 04:28 PM
Don't use e10 in any outboard motor application.
Jan 13 2010, 05:55 PM
Personally, I beleive alot of it is a myth, but there are the know problems with Alcahol based fuels..
They Love water, so condensation is increased.. So keep an eye on your water seperator and if you dont have one get one..
Alcohol is a great cleaning product (just look at my gut)... it will pick up any sediments in fuel lines or system and carry them through... Replace your fuel filters with a finer version. (I think 10micron) It may also be harsh on old fuel lines and rubber fittings etc..
I think if your sensable about how you use it, keep your engine clean and sound and serviced you shouldnt have a problem.. Old engines may be more of an issue but new engines just follow your manufacturers guidlines..
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 13 2010, 10:29 PM
QUOTE (Rumpus @ Jan 14 2010, 12:55 PM)

Personally, I beleive alot of it is a myth, but there are the know problems with Alcahol based fuels..
I've seen that myth with my velly own earsigt Spud
Ethanol is derieved from sugar cane not a natural oil
Jan 14 2010, 02:45 AM
I always used the high octane premium stuff for everything then one day my local was out of it so I stuck in some ordinary unleade and guess what, my car ran smoother.
Next I tried it in the boat and the boat ran smoother too.
I won't use ethanol though no matter what they say.
Jan 14 2010, 03:43 AM
Ethanol is derieved from sugar cane not a natural oil
It can be made from a number of products, Cane, Canolla, Sorghum etc etc..
Synthetic oils have been around for years and were bagged out to start with..
Jan 14 2010, 09:46 AM
i drive about 60,000 kms each year,
my vt series 2 wagon has 250,000 on the clock, i personally service my car every 5000 kms, every service i change oil ( mobile 1), plugs,leads,oil filter, air filter and fuel fillter, and i know for a fact my injectors are pretty dam clean, so i know for a fact that the e10 stuff is crap, my work partner drives an xr8 ute and they tried the e10 and they would never use that stuff again even if it was for free,
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 14 2010, 02:08 PM
QUOTE (Rumpus @ Jan 14 2010, 10:43 PM)

It can be made from a number of products, Cane, Canolla, Sorghum etc etc..
Wot about Potato's Spud , can they make it from Potato's ???????????????
Synthetic oils have been around for years and were bagged out to start with
Dont confucious a burnable fuel wih synthetic oil not the same
Synthetic oils are my 1st choice ovr oils made from crude but I'm nt burning them merely using as a lubicant they will outlast the traditional oils/grease without breaking dwn osing characaristics ike viscosity etc
Jan 14 2010, 02:45 PM
" i personally service my car every 5000 kms, every service i change oil ( mobile 1), plugs,leads,oil filter, air filter and fuel fillter "
IF you're changing Plugs and leads every 5000k's you are wasting a hell of a lot of money.
These days plugs should last 50000 min, and leads probably the lifetime of the car.
Jan 14 2010, 04:09 PM
for the averave car used on the road these days yeah but not wit my car,
there are times when my car is idling for 4-5 hours non stop, or for exapmle last weekend i was racing down a dirt road in pursuit of some offenders, my car gets a very hard time,
Jan 14 2010, 09:07 PM
e10 should never be used if your fuel tank is made from fiberglass.
Jan 14 2010, 10:16 PM
Jan 15 2010, 02:07 AM
Mr Whippy truck I bet.
Jan 15 2010, 04:37 AM
u are both wrong
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