QUOTE (Joey @ Jan 10 2010, 10:29 AM)
I will try Channel No 5 jumpus as the BRUT ive sprayed on hasnt had much success.
I'm not a believer of scents on lures esp on lures such as blades they're metel & scent if it does anything @ all which I doubt velly much will wash off as soon as it hits the water plastics can @ least absorb the solution for a wittle while
it's 2 easy 4 me to take the piss out of peeps when I read stuff like that & googlefushy cops it off me all the time all in goodarus fun
I'm actually waiting for him to come back & tell us about the time turned a hadboy lure into a soft plastic by rubbing it with Oil of Ulan
Ive lost two blades due to snags as Im land based at the moment and was hoping a slow retreive would be the go
It sort of is you need to be mindfull of wots down there & not let the lure sink down to deep working it back all the way without hesitating else it will sink & snag it's no different out of a boat.
If the bottom dosen't allow the lure to be used then dont use them there, switch over to a diving HB or lightly weight SP
Ive been fishing for not that long so after purely bait fishing
I much prefer bait fushing if down correctly ewe can have the fish biting non stop for hrs BUT I do enjoy tossing lures about as well very successfully when bait fushng cause I've got the burley going & fush right behind the boat
Im mainly fishing for bream and flathead around the harbour but open to suggestions about locations and types of lures to buy
It's not so much about the lure, any lure within reason will catch ewe fushys. I get given lures all the time to try out & if ewe saw just 2 of my tackle box's your eyes would pop out of your head & they all work both SP & Hb.
It's more about technique by that I mean your retrieve that's why I mention earlier swim the lure in eyesight watch it twitch it @ different types of jerking motions just to see wot it looks like & if you're happy with it then that's the retrieve to use.
I 1st used soft plastics 30 odd years back & threw them in the bin afer a few trips of catching nut tings, back then we were absolutely clueless & retrieved the lures back as if we would a metal slice doing a high speed retrieve for the pelagics till hey smashed into the rocks @ our feet.
Times have changed since the know how was brought back from the USA
Every now & then I dont mind grabbing a rod & going for a walk LB'd to flick lures it's good fun just look for gutters, drop off's [4 flathead] if fushing whaves flick the lure under the wharf that's where they'll be not outin the open.
It's an odd thing back when I fushed land based we allways ried getting our baits out as far as we could, as boaties we try & get as close to structure as possible