Water was choppy and a slight swell. Good fishing conditions....

Hooked up a Kingfish immediately on a small piece of chicken. After a 10 minute fight i managed to land my first legal Kingie just nudging 65cm....

We also caught 2 large Trevallie's, 2 large leather jackets, 1 flathead.....

My son hooked up a massive fish on his very light bream rod. After half an hour of fighting, it snapped the hook. We couldn't seem to gain ground on it all...it seemed like a massive fish as i have never felt anything like it before..
My next cast and i hook up some monster....again after about a half hour fight it snapped my 25lb line....I had a 6-10kg shimano rod wit a Daiwa 4000X reel which also sruggled to pull it in....it was a massive fish again which did not snap my line but unhooked itself...the line was brand new and was left no good as it was badly stretched...
You won't believe this, but we seemed to hook this fish up a further 3 times, and again after long fights we could not get it up...on the fourth occasion i did notice something which looked like at least 1.5 metres in length....it was massive...could this be a kingie or even a shark...my cousins in another boat witnessed the last 3 struggles with this massive fish....they could not stop shaking their heads in disbelieve.... we spent 3 hours trying to get this fish....
Our arms are absolutely killing us....what a day.....