I'm afraid it would not have lived Fed but be assured those 2 anglers are full of shit
Just to show you how full of shit they really are I'll annalise their report for ewe & those who haven't jerried to their Bullshit & the crap these newspaper journalists print
A SMALL rod loaded with mullet bait was enough to tempt a 300kg shovelnose shark from the depths of the Georges River in Sydney's south yesterday.
** Deepest Botany bay gets is around 5 meters average but there are some hole in the river that get to around 18 meters, they're making it sound like he fish was caught out on the continental shelf
** That fish would be hard pressed pushing 70 kg in weight, dont know where they got 300 kg from
** Well this is a 1st, never heard of a fush eating sum wuns mullet haircut B4 must've wanted it to use as a Merkin
You wouldn't believe how we got it. We were only out there for 15 minutes and the boat just took off. We had to pour water over the rod because it was smoking," Mr Short, 34, from Padstow, said
** Wun minute they're saying they were fushing light line next that line was strong enough for the fush to tow the boat around on
** Guy that made that comment has 2B a Dramma Queen wearing high heels & a handbag cause they would've be spooled long B4 they found a bucket to fill & pour water over the reel mind ewe the twit did say they poured the water over the rod & not the reel.
** Majed asked in Alex's marlin thread how exiting it must be to go game fushing, well it is when a fushy is peeling line off the reel @ a rapid pace we call that
smoking & those gamefush can really smoke the reel [not literally though]
This twit read about the term smoking & used it in his describription of events, that shovelnose would not have the capacity to smoke a reel & I reckon the only rod he poured water on was his mates

cause it was rising to the occasion
7/01/2010 Update: The fishermen report they released the shark alive into the water and that they did not kill it
Bullshit !
This comment was adding the following day because of all the payouts the twits were getting
If ewe treated a dog or Kat the way these 2 did to the shovelnose the RSPCA would have had ewe in court on charges
For two hours, the massive catch dragged the boat from Como to Connells Point and back
Should've said 3 hrs & used Gilligans theme song as a backdrop
2 hrs huh ????????
Even though the shovelnose dosen't ave shupus tootharus how long do ewe honestly think the leader if any was used would've lasted ???????????????????
"In the end we had to tie a massive rope around the shark to lift it into the boat and it nearly tipped us sideways," Mr Elvvine, from Greenacre, said.
This is wot any novice out there should really take note of cause it's wot ewe should never ever do
2 guys in a 4.5 meter tinny[est weight of 2 around 150 kgs] that weight transfer alone in a boat so small would be enough to tip it if in swell or a passing boat gave off a good wash.
Add to that the weight of the fush 300kgs ????????? my arse, but lets just say I'm on the mark @ 70kgs that's a toal weight of 220 kgs all over wun side of the goat
These guys have got rocks in their heads & should've pulled the fush in over the the transom, sharks & rays dont have bones their all meat & cartlidge so it's quite easy to do.