QUOTE (bafoo @ Jan 7 2010, 04:16 PM)

Hope his luck changes and he catches sum fushes after he turns his concentration from Ducs to the finned variety.
Hmmm ! sort of but we really didn't fush exept the 1st day I was up.
Went out like irriot tourists not even looking @ tides etc 1st few hrs were a waste of time way off tide change so we headed up o Broughton Isle
Bit of a joke these no fushing zones cause I haven't been up the port 4 over a decade & he spots I knew were all in the no fush zone
Went around the back & got a few under size snappa on SP's they weren't getting any bigger so so snuck into wun of the zones that dosen't allow bait fushing but lures are allowed.
Stupidest think I've ever seenWe were drifting with plastics started getting rubbish like red rock cod & sg bakers well Bees was I was getting snapper nut ting big fish were 33 cm's.
I'd taken up a range of the LOX rods & we were using the 2 - 5 kg sticks loved the action of them but it would've been nice to have hooked a good fish to see wot they could really do.
Well I did perform the 1st miracle & it didn't take long for that dude who lives in eye tie land in a place called the Pope house to hear about the miracle
Yes peeps I got Bees onto a snappa & he landed it all by himself without supervision
Well peeps the Pope didn't hesitate to give Jumpus a ling ling on the telefone to congratulate me & said all I needed to do now was to perform wun more miracle & I would be dubbed
Saint Jumpus
Spoke to the Jelly bean that night when he ling linged he was doing ok further nth & should be back 2morro me tinks
Yesterday wasn't really a fushing day took Bees kids out in the estuary & they had a bit of fun with choppers
Didn't really take any ics cause of the slow fushing, did have a few laughs up there & I cracked up when Bees missus got me beer & Jed got upset cause she put the beer in Jed's personal stubby holder with his name on it
2nd pic is of the stick well below it's capaciy, we did get a few squid late yesterday arvo on the way back in, I was dropping the girls back home, Jake & Jed stayed on the goat apparantly Jake showed the old man up.
Bees was tying a lure onto his rod when Jake who's 7 i think turns around & says hey dad is this wot we r supp'd 2bee catching & pulls a squiddy into the boat