Jan 3 2010, 01:19 AM
Well went and picked up the new toy 2day,
it worked out well that from where i bought the boat to home was only a 15min drive, which was lucky cause the previous owner didnt have a tie down strap
for it, got the boat home, put it in the drive way , made a coffee and started to pull out all the gear,
well i found 6 life jackets, some old flares and a heap of other bits and pieces,
il be firing up the 50hp suzuki in the next day or so so fingers crossed all goes good, when i looked at it yesturday it started up ok, took a couple of turns but considering that it had been started for about 3 months it was ok, and the amount of cobb webs around the prop it had been a while,
off to get some polish 2morrow and transfer the rego over and get a few other things for it, i was sitting in the captains chair when i got it home and thought to myself, gees i really did down size didnt i.... but at least this thing wont give me some many head akes, i havnt started the aux 6hp evenrude yet il start it up when i go for a cruise in it next week some time,
the trailer could do witha wittle bit of work, i dunno when he did the bearings last , so il do tat in the next few weeks, and thereis a bit of surface rust on the cross axle , so il file that back and coat it in fish oil and give it a spray, the little vitara towed it well... didnt use the commodore as we had our daughter with us,
i think its going to cost me prob around the $100 or so mark to bring it up to a good condition... on top of that il get a mechanic out to service it,
but for $4600 i cant be to choosey... will up load pics in the next few days...
ive also gotta put on a name for it as its nameless... im gona name it KASHODY.
Jan 3 2010, 01:21 AM
also talking to the prvious owner..
as its a 2 stroke... he used a mix of 25:1
what should i use ?? 50:1 or a 25: 1
oz man
Jan 3 2010, 01:52 AM
50.1 they only use 25.1 mixture on the first 5 hours from new to help lube and run in after that 50.1
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 3 2010, 03:18 AM
@ strokes rely on the oil to lube working parts
Doubt very much you'd be trolling @ low revs so use the heavier oil mix
I think it will be 50:1 Hustler but ring a suzuki dealer to 100% sure.
Some people get confused about oil ratios so to be clear...
25:1 is twice as much oil as 50:1.
There's no reason to increase the oil above the recommended ratio as that recommendation is for WOT and lower RPM is really only over oiling.
I'm betting you get a lot more use out of this one, keep the progress report coming mate and some pics too.
PS, dump all the old fuel & start fresh.
Jan 3 2010, 08:02 PM
Hope you get lots of pleasure out of it, send some photos through and let us all know how she goes 15 foot is not a lot of boat
but it will be large enough to get you on the water for some fun and large enough to take you out onto the nearby reefs in decent conditions.
Jan 4 2010, 01:33 AM
Good luck Benny with your new boat...
Jan 8 2010, 11:05 PM
well took ma new boat out the other day,
last wednesday we took it down to the ramp at flower power.. prob the worst ramp in sydney... so im backing it down the ramp and i turn to the misses and say well i hope it floats....
anyway got it in the water and we headed off .. prob spent about 2 hours just cruising up and down the river.. dam thing runs great, ive just gotta get used to it being so small.
the day before we took it out i got gary a fantastic mobile outboard mechanic out to suss out the starting problem as i couldnt start it at home.. he looked over it and turns out i had a sticky choke that wasnt working, well he fixed that, did some adjustments on the on the control box and gearbox.. did a compression test on both motors.. turns out that the 50hp suzuki has had a rebuilt not long ago.... sweet, he said that some 1 had been playing around with the throttle linkages .. as well as the choke... turns out thats why the previous owner sold it... i found out that the guy i bought it off only had it for about 5 months.... so both engines have greaT COMPRESSION, sweet, anyway back to the water test... we got back to the ramp... now we are waiting for 2 other boats to finish using the ramp... dam fouls.... we waited for about 20 mins because this guy had reversed his boat down the ramp into the water then tried to start both his engines.. could only start 1 but waisted every ones time on the ramp.... anyway got the boat out and un did the bung plugs.... not a drop came out... ive up loaded a few pics .. in the next few weeks ive gotta install a 27 meg radio, a vhf radio and a new cd player with speakers,
its not a real big boat at only 4.6 metres but its something thats easy to pull around and dam easy to drop it in the water and also a dam lot cheaper to run then the 30 foot cruiser
Jan 10 2010, 03:10 PM
im going fishng this week... yeee hayyy
Jan 10 2010, 04:11 PM
haha thats not small compared to my 4.2 estuary angler :S still love it tho
nice boat mate
Jan 10 2010, 04:20 PM
That FlowerPower ramp is a joke Hustler, Revesby is much better mate.
Glad it all worked out right with the motors, when's the big fishing day?
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 11 2010, 02:00 AM
QUOTE (hustler57 @ Jan 9 2010, 06:05 PM)

last wednesday we took it down to the ramp at flower power.. prob the worst ramp in sydney...
Was Flower power giving out free weed
and a new cd player with speakers,
Oh Boy !
Should've kept your mouth shut Benny
Wait till Bees & salty see that, they'll invite themselves on board & use your goat as a dance floor, they've got all the Barry Manillow CD's.
Take it from me it's not a pretty sight
Jan 11 2010, 09:44 AM
barry who ????
with a name like that it sounds like a used car salesman,
just wait till i set up the disco light in the cabin with a smoke machine oh wait theres a 2 stroke on the back... smoke machine taken care off...
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