Didn't start that way, had allready fastened the bases for the Scotty2Hotty's a couple of weeks back but sirry me hadn't wired in the plugs yes my Scotty2Hotty's are electric just push the button & up come the balls.
Wiring plugs didn't take me long then we had to load the goat I took out the big goat today thought I'd give it a run as it hadn't moved from out front 4 nearly 5 months now on went the wabbits ears double checking they'd start , no probs there.
So we were finally off on our merry way, got down the road & the heavens turned black on us & the wipers were on full speed in other words it was piss'n down, got to cooks river boat ramp & it was like Pitt St.
Every must've shat themselves & all came in @ once the goat got it's usual band of oglers & I had a chat with a couple of the other platy's whilst floating around waiting for my crew to park the car.
Wun guy asked wot sort of goat was it ?
Told him it twas a Jumpus GooDarus

Who built it he then asked ????
Jumpus GooDarus I replied

Next Q was WTF is a Jumpus Goodarus he then asked ?????? well I caked it

I am I replied
Anyways next thingy ewe know sum brurry irriot starts yelling @ me from another goat twas a mate of mine who owns action charters he'd herd about MINI ME & recons I'm a fruitloop.
Well Steve couldn't help himself [we go back many many moons ago now] pulled out a KUNGY to show off naturally there were more in the fush box but he pulled out the biggest wun [by the way pic dosn't do it justice this thing was faturus as]
I asked him if I could have it, as it would make a velly good Bream bait

Ha Ha I said to that you're not going to catch me jigging I'm getting squiddy's
Well wasn't that a porky sort of wot a bitch to raise the squid 2day took us 2 hrs to get 5 & 4 of them were teeny weeny wittle wuns to boot we had motor probs so it was 4.30 B4 we got back to Botany Bay.
Thunderstorms were starting to brew again & thought it wise not to head out to that reef on a sus motor so started pulling the squid in the Bay meanwhile I started tinkering around with the sus motor which would not start earlier ended up firing her up & all looked good clouds had dissappeared wind had droped.
Knew we were wating our time in the Bay so pulled in the baits down went the hammers out to that reef didn't really have alot of faith esp after how the day had gone so far was 6.45 pm by now pulled squid till just B4 dark with no luck did have either bonny's/salmon crashing surface all around us.
Just Not Our Day but on a good note sounder showed snapper just about on every drop off
It's got me stumped why the squid were so non existant yesterday & today I'm thinking along the lines of it being a full moon