He came around 2day for a visit & 2 have a looky @ my new goaty, dont have a pc @ my oldies place so we walked down a few houses to Toovlo's house & D/L'd the pics off his camera.
Toovlo had also been fushing for Brimski's recently the pics of fushy's on table are his
Twas good to chat away with Charlie about Brimski fushing & methods we agreed on just about everything except bait.
See I dont believe that this bait is better than that bait etc etc all I ever use is pillys & salted stripy if I have it I wont go out & waste my $$'s buying bloodworms etc etc
We did however agree that if ewe want to catch the really big Studus Maximus Brimus feeding out Live Kungys is the only way 2 go

Well the challenge was thrown @ me & looks Sunday is the day I'm fushing his spot in my boat & he'll be in his goat
ps] he dosn't know it yet but if looks like he's winning I've got scuba gear & will swim over under water like the wittle fishy's do & drill a hole in his goat

ps] check out the size of the Wi Tings