QUOTE (Fed @ Dec 28 2009, 06:42 AM)

Have you been down to the fish & chip shop again?
Yep Yep Botany Bay Fush Chop
Got up bright & early yesterday around 9 am was on the water by around 10.30 plan was to target sum big brimski's
Evlly bloody knows if ewe want to catch big brimski's live bait is required & wot better live bait 4 them than live kungys
Started off looking 4 squidies in the bay armed with the new range of Yoshikawa jigs only just arrived in oz & looked the goods, after an hr or so decided we were wasting our time not even a sign of a squiddy & decided to take advice I'd given a mate of mine, the water in the Bay is way to dirty with all the work going on & that makes it velly hard to get the squiddys.
So off we went on our merry way down Sth to jibbon, guess the goat got it's 1st run outside seas went bad occasional wave 1.5 meters or so but very sloppy all the way along kurnels cliff faces, twas a GooDarus investment adding those clears to the goat kept us nice & dry cause I was giving the throatle a wee bit of stick averaging around 18 knots all the way.
Not as stable as the Jumpus but mini me handled conditions velly well, finally got there & there was still sum breeze about so down went the lecky only took us an hr or so [time flys on the water] & we had 11 good size squid 4 bait & wun monster for my dinner the Yoshikawa's worked a treat swam , sank etc very nicely.
Live bait tank was black & so was alot of the goat runus fustus was out with me & he's not too bright hence why I call him Toovlo in wun ear & out the other all my squid got de inked b4 I brought them into the goat & I even showed toovlo how but like I said in wun ear & out the other next time I've gonna do wun of my specialties & get a suid to Zot toovlo in the face with it's ink
Last trip out I had the alarm going off on the black anchor once I got it up around 3000 revs it pissed me off cause water was nice & cool coming out the hose, nothing around the prop even pulled off the cowl to check oil all was good so next time alarm went off I left the motor runing & siren stopped after 5 seconds figured it was a dirty sensor cause it never went off again till yesterday.
Not only did it go off again but once I pushed 2000 revs motor started surging ready to die back into neutral & all was good push the throatle down again back came the surging I was not impressed @ all & regreted buying the stupid thing if anything the merc lived up to it's reputation as the
Black AnchorI turned it off & when I tried to crank it over again it was a no go as both batteries were flat, admitingly I do have quite a few accesorries on the goat which I dont turn off like sounder,mp3 player, gps & the wash down pump draws quite a fair bit of power esp with toovlo on board & I did jam the trigger on it so as I could clear all the black in in the lbt.
Have not been towed in for over 25 years & was not about to this time, fortunately there was another 2 batteries in the cab for the lecky pulled wun out & that got the motor started & this time no alarm going off, I was able to use the leads coming out of the isolating swith cause they were long enough to reach the spare batery then reconected it all back again cause I wanted the black anchor to recharge the 2 dead batteries.
All seemed good till I pushed up around 2000 revs then the surging started again, by this time I was really getting pissed off re checked the fuel system & all was good there was just about to crawl into the hacking & cat a cab back to botany bay to go fetch the trailer when I remembered sum ting.
2 strokes dont need a battery once they've started but 4 bangers do they'll cut out every time without battery power so I hooked up the lecky battery again started the anchor down went the throatle & guess wot ????????
No alarm & no surging !
Spoke to my Scoty2Hottys & they told me the lithian crystals had charged up so peeps we were off in hyperdrive trying to make up time on our Brim Trek full power was @ my disposal once again wind had died a bit by now we were running with swell up our arses boat loved that & all was going well till
Toovlo struck once again
He'd been using my 1 - 3 kg LOX rod with wun of only 2 CI reels in oz the twit didn't secure it in the rod holder & the outfit went swimming talk about a day of piss offs.
When we got back into Botany bay I couldn't help myself got on the dog & bone & rang the importers of the LOX rods to lodge a formal complaint, told them the rods were no good & they like to jumpus out of boats & worse still the bloody things dont float

Paul just laughed @ methought it was funny that I was cranky.
Anyways peeps all was Goodarus now so I thought a mate of mine has been braining the kungs past few weeks & I thought with 11 squiddys in the tank we'll get 11 good live brim baits got to molly point out went the bazooka's [scotty2hottys] 1 hr later nothing.
Back on the dog & bone to my mate 2 pick his brain wanted to know depth he was running his bombs & exactly where he was nailing the kungs 1 hr later still nut ting found masses of slimmys on the sounder & on the surface working that area but to no avail.
Not looking good & figured kungs had moved out of the bay so in came the baits down went the throatle out to shakey figured if they weren't inside they had to be outside 1/2 hr trolling later wasn't looking good there either so did a slow troll back to the bommy thought small brimski's were better than no brimski's.
Your brain goes into dead mode when trolling & nut ting has been there to exite ewe for a few hrs so when we got to the lighthouse just inside the bay & line was screaming off my outfit I just sat there & looked @ it took me 5 seconds or so to coprehend there was a brim bait on the other end
This fush took sum line let me tell ewes I had a pair of the new LOX kungy rods out the back & boy haven't they got sum balls didn't take me long to get that brim bait back to the boat & wot a brim bait it would've made had I landed it.
Had it just out off gaff range when pop went the weasel I hate it when tackle gives way kung went for a final surge & the shock leader gave way just after the knot, knot was still in tact yet another piss off for the day esp when the kung was no rat & a good fush of around 90 - 100 cms.
Well the day had just about gone & we were still fushless time to hit the bommy for sum bait fushing anchored up awkwardly cause wind was from the SW in fact pulled up anchor 3 times till I was happy ended up using the plough anchor onto the sand & Fed back rope till we were where I wanted 2b.
Just on the turn of the tide so it was runing velly slow toovlo was getting sweep I had a bait rod with more lead than the norm to get away from the sweep would've like to have used my LOX spin rod to do sum
but sum twit lost it overboard so opted to use my squid rod.
Virtually getting a snappa evlly cast but just like the other day the plicks were all 28 & 29 cm's to make things worse bastards kept chewing the tails off the plastics went throgh a doz & when I changed over to smaller plastics they wouldn't touch them.
hr later we had good run in the tide away went the lures & I was bait fushing stayed about an hr or so cause didn't want to come back in the dark in case black anchor played up again in that hr or so we did quite well
Wise decision to head in whilst still light cause alarm buzzed again when we reached molly pt & to make things worse so did the surging couldn't be bothered crawling under to get the last of the good batteries esp when we were nearing the 8 knot zone so we crawled in on 2000 revs.
Gonna have a look @ the owners manual 2day cause I'll bet my short & curlies that 5 second siren indicates motor is not charging the batteries