Missed the turn of the tide cause got out late but still did okee dokee
Started the arvo nailing sum brimski's & Blurters, droped prob the biggest brimski of the day @ the boat when hook pulled on the SP I was using & yep finally got to try out my 1-3 kg LOX rod & the CI reel & I liked them.
After a couple of hrs catching the brimski's & blurters [mostly blurters] action was die 'n as we were in the middle of tide turns so decided to give my new Lecky a try & see wot it was like.
So off we went looking for the flat wuns, twas hard yakka cause we really didn't find a good patch of them just the odd wun here & there but I was impressed by the lecky it had sum

Turn of the tide around 7pm headed back to bommy around 5 pm, liked wot I saw on the sounder it read snapper & it didn't take long @ all to start hooking into them.
Constant bites all arvo but unfortunately not wun made legal size all around 28 - 29 cms called it a dayafter an hr or so of that.
4got to charge batteries in camera & only managed 3 pics b4 it went Dee Eee Dee dead on me
Fish caught on the day brimski's, blurters, wee wittle snappa's,flat wuns, Flounder, Pt Jacksons
Only piss off were the bloody Seagulls