QUOTE (catchnrelease @ Jan 5 2010, 10:03 PM)

1st I never said any of the rods other than the 1-3kg were copies of nitros.
Maybe not directly but that's wot ewe insinuated, I gave ewe slack with the labeling thingy cause I know very well the bullshitta that sales people will spin to get a sale
I decide what the rod would be best for based on how it feels in my hand and its specs.
Then take a leaf from my book & give people reasons why ewe dont like a product & let them make up their own minds, the way ewe come across on these forums is that ewe're the all mighty of fishing tackle & people should take your word on things, ewe never give reasons as to why
Why on earth would ewe even bother looking @ that rod ?????
Christ not even I have bothered looking @ it, it's a convinence rod with a very limited market I'm surprised they even put it into production
I know enough to make my own decisions and I stick by what I think and say.
Ewe know very little I'm afraid & got alot to learn & the only way ewe can get knowledge is with time wun day if ewe think back to his conversation ewe'll look back & say to yourself
Hmmmmm that Jumpus falla knew wot he was on on aboutQUOTE
you rarely get to try before you buy.
Ewe want to know why I seem to have so many outfits ???????????????
Cause when I take sum wun new out with me they bring nut ting in tackle they use my gear that's wot it's there for to let them make make their own minds
People like Spud, Bees, Jelly Bean etc etc on this site aren't sucking up to me, they've all used the gear & putting up their own thoughts a far cry from wot ewe are doing
I'm also pretty sure you're affiliated with Viva, what what you say may be a lil' bit bias.
I have no affiliation with the boys exept that we are good friends, when people do the right thing by me I return the compliment, I have no need nor do I make $$'s from fishing tackle I made my $$'s elsewhere.
I do it for the love of the sport which has given me great enjoyment over the years.
Nor am I bias towards the Viva tackle I do not hesitate to point out wot I think is wrong with their gear& again it's allways my personal view & I stress that in my posts cause not every wun has the same taste
It's more a case of me getting sick & tired of all the bullshitta rave everybody posts on forums in regards to the Daiwa & Shimano gear but unlike most who rave on about this gear I own quite a fair bit of their Top range reels sum ting very few do.
So my Q to ewe is !
How can sum wun boast about Sum Ting they dont own ???????????????????????????????????????????????????
Oh just wun more thing
Wun of the reasons I go to bat for Viva is quite simple esp of late since they've started bringing out some quality tackle
They make it affordable for those who dont want to pay the over the top Shimano , daiwa prices
Whilst I'm here those who dont want to pay those over the top Shimano , daiwa prices on reels like the stella etc have a look @ these had I'd not purchased that 20000 stella not long ago & known about these
These reels would've been my choice @ under have the $$'s
Sort of pulled wun apart today & was impressed Assemble here in Sth Oz they are built like brick shite houses