Decided to go over and give “The Sticks” a whirl; should have known then when we couldn’t find them, think they have been removed with all the work that they are doing for the ‘desal’ plant So we tried the ‘hot water outlet’ just off Silver Beach. We also stopped at the drums on the way past. NO GOOD!
Then we motored over to our spot just off Bare Is. Between the swell, the chop and the breeze we didn’t stay very long, no good anchoring as the boat wasn’t sure what direction it wanted to face and our lines would have been running up the anchor rope.

From there we did a couple of drifts along Yarra Bay towards Frenchman’s Beach. Plenty of fish on the sounder but not even a ‘nibble’.

From there we decided we would try Brighton for flatties – you wouldn’t believe it, the barges and exclusion zone markers are right across the area extending down towards Ramsgate. Foiled again!
So on the way to where we caught the “crocs” we sailed past the wave buoy on the edge of the deep hole and the fish finder found plenty of fish so we drifted over the hole TWICE – no results!!!
Fair amount of ‘chop’ crossing the bay, on the wrong side of the boat, so it was a bit uncomfortable. Made it down to the ”croc” spot and I think we were drifting too fast AND in the wrong direction for the fish to find the bait.
Then Fed decides we should try in the river drifting near Bald Face / entrance to Oatley Bay – all we could hook up on were ‘bottom fish’ and ‘stick fish’. So after a couple of drifts we headed home!
Much excitement on the way up river! What I thought was a houseboat anchored in the middle of the channel, opposite the restaurant at Lugarno. happened to be a ‘river cruise’. No way we wanted to get behind a ‘stinky’ diesel, doing 5 knots through “The Moons”, so Fed took the wheel and screamed past them just getting to the 8 knots sign just before them. So doing the speed as indicated we were back at Revesby, had boat on trailer and pulled up at the tap before they motored past.
Home and bunkered down by 1 pm.
What we did notice was, those we saw fishing were not reeling anything in and also seemed ‘lifeless’ / unenthusiastic i.e. “no bites”!
No fish today; mojo gone away!
Thank goodness for the “crocs” last week!