We then set off to another location in search of squid. Harry had brought a prawn light, but what would you know it didn't work. This put a dent into the rest of the nights fishing plans, and whilst we flicked jigs there was no joy to be had.
Thursday morning came, and after waking ourselves up from a night of maybe 1 hours sleep (or at least for me), we made plans to head outside of the heads in search of kings. We burleyed up yakkas and had about a dozen in the tank in no time. Unfortunately the weather wasn't as good as forecast, and it was pretty sloppy. We searched around for a bit but apart from a few momentary bust ups there were no kings to be found. We ended up settling on setting up a drift on some fishy looking ground and started flicking plastics. After a few drifts Harry came up with a nice snapper. A few drifts later, my turn! Harry then got another nice snapper for the table a short while later. They were only pan sized, but neither of us were complaining. They went pretty hard on light gear. By noon the wind had picked up and we decided to head in. We tried for flatties but could not hold the bottom. I managed an undersized one and one that was in the high 30's. Both went back, they're not really worth keeping under 40cm.
By mid afternoon we were wasted and just relaxed. It was a productive two days, some new spots were found and new techniques were learnt. Between us ended up landing a bunch of species, namely snapper, jews, bream, cuttlefish (lucky catch for me on a plastic), pike, red rock cod and PLENTY of dirty sergeant bakers. We only kept the three snapper, mine tasted lovely!