Its abit boring for me, but i will throw the report up anyway cause people say they are lacking.
Launched after work at about 3.00 yesterday.
Shouldve been 2, but there was a problem down the ramp with a mechanic bringing up some big ass boat from a mooring onto a trailer for repairs and the winch rope snapped.
I could see they would have trouble getting this 2 tonne thing onto the trailer considering the boat was sitting on the sand.
To cut it short, after about 1 hr the trailer buckled, thats when i decided to go along the beach and drop it in the sand.
We took no bait and it was going to be a jigging session at the place we been getting the Kings and Samsons.
Didnt get any Kings, but we took 6 Samsons home with us. Bloody good eating fish!
On the way in we mucked around throwing lures at thousands of Salmon. Bloody good fun on the bait rod with 2 kg line.
No photos cause they got filleted whilst still on the boat.
Maybe have a better report for you all tomorrow, i may go Reddy hunting. Its been a while...