Nov 1 2009, 07:51 PM
Looking for some advice here fellas.
Its time to update the old toyota van and have decided on a 99-04 model rodeo/triton/navara (toyotas are just too expensive. I need the 99 to 04 model to fit within the new tax guidelines to get max returns and to fit within my budget.
Looking at a dual cab would like 4wd but not essential-what would you recommend and why-horror stories are very welcome.
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 2 2009, 01:03 AM
Had a look @ rodeo's a couple of years back when I was wooking for a new 4wd
Not my cup of tea & didn't suit my needs
Small car with a small motor & from wot CATCH22 tells me [he's got a 2wd dual cab rodeo] they velly heavy on gas
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 6 2009, 01:18 PM
CATCH22 popped around yesterday & said he may be selling his
Car is in ex condition but there's a warning attached
Says it drinks more than he eats
Nov 6 2009, 01:27 PM
Went for a quick spin interstate the other day, test drove a Mazda Bravo-pending Mechanics inspection before any $$$ arew exchanged.
What's catch got and $$$$$?
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 6 2009, 01:33 PM
Dont really know exept it's a rodeo duel cab
Bluish colour low klms about 3-4 years old fibreglass canopy, 2wd
Daves got worms & gets new cars every couple of years
Thing with these sorts of cars is ecomomy is how ewe drive them Dave is a lead foot so it drinks alot
Nov 6 2009, 02:45 PM
Personally I would choose a Navara, know a few guys that have them and haven't heard any complaints.
But my needs would differ from your needs and personal tasts differ also.
But you did ask for opinions.
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 6 2009, 09:24 PM
Navara was the pick of the lot when I purchased, alot more room than the hilux as the navara dosen't have that arch running down the guts taking up space.
Storms wot ewe might want to look @ is a new vehicle & not 2nd hand if ewe plan to use it 4 work
Think it's still on the government is giving a 50% rebate right off [part of the stimulus]
Boys from viva got 50 % back on their 4 banger
Another few things
Dealers will give ewe around $3,000 discount if ewe have a ABN no
Insurance premium is lower with a new car
Add all these tings up & it's not worth looking @ 2nd hand
Nov 7 2009, 03:27 PM
I appreciate the comments JG'n'Frank......The feedback has confirmed what I'v been told and researched myself.
The new vehicle would be nice but isn't really practical atm, we want to update the Mrs people mover and get a larger home that will be big enough for the family. New work vehicle will happen in 2 years or so so right now only need something that will do the job and fit into the budget.
Insurance wise-all our vehicles are insured with Shannons so we are already paying half what most insurers charge-they said the business vehicle will be a little more expensive but still a lot less than any other insurer.
What sort of work do you do Storms?
I was using Falcon station wagons to do electrical work for the final few years and found them ideal.
Cheap as chips so 3rd party only insurance <$200 and plenty of grunt for towing.
The FBT wasn't a concern because it can be worked out on the value (cheap) of the car.
Nov 9 2009, 12:39 AM
mate stay away from the tritons from 99-04 they are gutless and most mitsubishi parts you have to buy geniune ,theres no aftermarket with them ,,,jas
Nov 9 2009, 04:02 AM
Tks for the replies Fed'n'Jas.....
Bought a 97 B2600 today, top price, 1yr warranty, full service history, only 150,000k's, 4wd, dual cab with air.....Just need to get racks and a canopy for it.
Fed-I install Satellite(foxtel), Tv antennas and home theatre.......Yeah I thought bout the station wagon just not practical when carrying 2 story ladder-it hangs over the arse end and its a bugger bending down all the time to get stuff out of the back.
Nov 11 2009, 12:39 PM
You're right Storms, station wagons aren't good for carrying ext ladders, fortunately our work rarely meant needing one so they were OK for us.
Glad you got sorted with a new car.
Nov 11 2009, 07:53 PM
Yeah we r happy too, the Mrs likes it a lot-might be a race on weekends to see who gets the 4by and the slow one gets the people mover. Can't wait till finances allow for a new boat to go on the back.
Nov 12 2009, 06:27 PM
I know im too late, been bashing the 4x4 around myself up in QLD for last 2 weeks.. Depends entirely on what your using it for..
As a work truck then they will all do a good job, but toyota hilux a navara would be my picks..
If your going offroading at all and want a ute then you really want a toyota hilux, if your seriously going offroad then you prob wanna step up to a crusier or a patrol..
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 13 2009, 01:22 AM
QUOTE (storms72 @ Nov 9 2009, 11:02 PM)

Fed-I install Satellite(foxtel),
Maybe ewe can have a word with Spud ??
He wont listen to me , he wanted to install a bigger IQ for himself & I told him he cant go around Zotting the Fox's see link below if ewe
Zot them, the
Fox aint
Telling ewe NUTTING
His reply was
But I didn't ZOT them in the Head so they should Still be able to Talk
Nov 13 2009, 03:52 AM
Fair call rumpus, would've liked to get the toyota but with the $$$$ I was spending I was looking at a much older model with high K's.
Dropped by with a chunk of cash for the car dealer and took the mazda for a run out the back of Raby-nothing too serious and I was more than pleased with how it performed on some slippery rocky/loose dirt hills. Its the first 4x4 I'v owned and I expect will be a good starting point and is a great crossover vehicle for work and play.
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