Hi guys,
Went for an afternoon evening fushin session with my brother Saturday night.
The plan was to fish the low tide which was at 8.03pm for Jew.
Had some almost fresh squid , yellowtail and pike for bait.
Arrived on the spot around 6.45pm and anchored up, threw the baits out and the waing game began.
The water was like mirror like and conditions were great.
We managed to land 1 x legal pinkkie and 1 x legal flathead, other than that very quite.
Had a great feed of bacon and eggs cooked fresh on the little butane cooker.
It was good to catch up with my twin brother, we sat there till 11.00 pm and called it a night, it had been a very long day for the two of us being at work from 4 am that morning.
We will keep trying and I will endeavour to post our great jew catch when it happens, so if any of you guys have any tips or want to share a proven location im all ears.