So my son Ahmed and i went along yesterday.
Hit the Bay around 7:30am. Swell was pretty ordinary near the heads. Headed back to Moulinex, but it was still no good. None of us wanted to get sick and spoil the trip so we headed to my favourite spots in the Georges.
From our first cast we experienced lots of bites. We had a nice burley trail going which seemed to attract some big fish. I did notice though the boats around us were not catching anything big.
Our light tackle rods kept buckling left right and centre.

We caught 8 legal breams which ranged from 27cm to 40cm. My cousin Huss caught the biggest 3 which came in at 35, 38 & 40cm. We also landed 2 big whitings at 32 & 35cm with my son Ahmed landing the bigger one. We haven't caught big whitings like this for a while. We also landed a 42cm flattie. Lots of other throwback little fish were caught.
Without exaggeration I think all up we would have landed in total around 50 fish for the day. Not a bad fun days fishing.

Got home to Huss's place where the barbie was ready. Cleaned and seasoned the fish and barbecued them. What a meal. Nothing tastes better then fresh barbecued fish.

Here are some pics taken from my phone. Sorry about the quality of some.