Hey guys (and especially Frank),
I obviously did not skip the country for good without returning to Sydney. Frank, after all you did for me and the kindness you showed me I would never do that to you! I'm very grateful for all the help from everyone on this forum (Frank, Jumpus, Jack and Haji among others). I wish you'd given me a call or text as I was already back in Perth when you posted this.
I should've probably kept you in the loop more often but between everyone here and back home it's all I can do to keep my blogs up to date. Since I thought you were following me there I didn't think it would be a problem since I clearly stated that I would be gone for 4 months before coming back to Aus. Still, you are right and I could've at least sent you an email when I realized I wouldn't be back in Perth at the end of 2008 as originally planned. Time flies and internet coverage is patchy but that's really not an excuse.
So I am sorry for that and I'll try to keep in touch with you guys a bit more for the last few months of my stay here in Aus as I hope to see you all in good health and good cheer when I come back to Sydney in March, rather than chasing me down the street with pitchforks and torches!

Frank, mate, I'm really sorry. All your stuff is still safe and in good shape and I intend to keep it that way until I return it to you at the start of next year, with a few cold ones for your trouble, obviously.
As for my plans, well for now I'm back in Perth again where I'm looking for work as the bank balance is running a bit low to say the least, but there's too many bloody backpackers and not enough work ;) At the end of January a friend of mine is coming over (the same who travelled with me from Broome to Perth) and he'll travel with me for a month from here to Sydney, so I expect to be there early March, sell the car and hopefully see some of you again before hopping on a plane to my beautiful girlfriend in Germany. Never thought I'd end up with a girl from Germany but then this whole Australia trip has been full of things I never expected. All I can say is that you guys don't know how lucky you are to live in this country with such great people and it saddens me that I appear to have abused that good nature.
Anyway, all the best for now. As I said, I'll try and stay in touch a bit more. For some pics of Frank's gear in action(not sure if I already posted these):