Was planning on taking the boat out to my snappy wreck and like many of you the thought of fishing in the rain, fighting the traffic and for some paying tolls put me off so it was the 5 minute drive river bass option. I really enjoy getting into the salt and smelling the 2 stroke but hey sometimes we gotta take what we can get to wet a line.
Had a quickie on saturday when the rain first started with my son-he spent more time throwing rocks into the water which was fine he enjoyed himself, I had a couple of hits on spinner baits and got the chance to check the flow at the weir and further down at a couple of rapids before we headed home.
This arvo a leave pass was approved at 3pm, I was out the door after a quick crappy nappy change(don't you just hate those half way up the back ones).
Arrived to very light rain and was straight into my first bass on a cicada type padddly thing, sent out a deep diver and it got hit hard-bloody bugger took me straight under a snag and settled himself into his woody home-I opened the bail arm put the rod down and went back to the cicada, caught another on the surface once it was landed and released I closed the bail arm on the other rod and pulled mr bass out of his hole and up it came. Happy as to get the lure back-only bought it last week,....Another 5 or 6 came in after that and then the thunder storm hit so back to the car.
Some don't like bass fishin thats fine but anyone would get a thrill watching any fish hitting a surface lure-I gotta take the video cam down one day to capture the action.,