salty fil
Sep 24 2009, 04:27 AM
My mate just bought a Quinnie and ive been helping him fit it out with the little knowledge i have, and the stuff i pinch from others.
Anyway, im up to the point of making him a live bait tank.
I know how to plumb it but i cant find what im after.
What i need is one of these 50 L detergent drum thingys. You know those plastic rounded square ones with the handle on top?
I can find the 25 L ones but i want a 50 L.
Anyone know where i can find one???
Whitworths have got something of similar shape but they want $260. Bugger that!
Sep 24 2009, 07:12 PM
I got one from BIAS Salty (Bermuda 400x275x325 deep, Cat #1143 $98.90) which measures out at about 35 Litres but allowing for an angled back and some air space at the top it carries about 25 Litres all up.
No problems at all so long as the pump runs all the time and it's mounted on a scoop for water while travelling.
The pump only draws 2 Amps (Rule 360 GPH Cat #2445), water flow is everything.
Jumpus GooDarus
Sep 25 2009, 12:56 AM
QUOTE (salty fil @ Sep 24 2009, 10:27 PM)

What i need is one of these 50 L detergent drum thingys. You know those plastic rounded square ones with the handle on top?
Wun of my tenants ewe know the laundry guy has them stacked out the back yard
Even got the big 60 gallon wuns but you'd get lost in wun of those
Get pretty dizzy as well if I tossed ewe in wun & told ewe to

in the corner
salty fil
Sep 25 2009, 01:14 AM
Thanks for the tip FED, but alittle too small.
Jumps. You reckon if he keeps them stacked up out the back i could grab a couple?
They are the dimensions i need.
Thats if theyre rubbish.
If he wants a few bucks for them let me know and il get my visa and passport ready to head down that way....
Sep 25 2009, 02:22 AM
Salty, what about Bonecrushers tank-a beer keg with the top cut off.
salty fil
Sep 25 2009, 04:02 AM
Ive got a keg in the garage.
I also got a 40 L round bucket.
Dimensions dont suit.
Those square, rounded big bottles/tubs is what will work.
Jumpus GooDarus
Sep 26 2009, 12:58 AM
QUOTE (salty fil @ Sep 25 2009, 07:14 PM)

Jumps. You reckon if he keeps them stacked up out the back i could grab a couple?
I'll swing by & have a looky
I was harrassing Micheal to get rid of them back when I was building the big goat out the back they were everwhere & I got tired of moving them
salty fil
Sep 26 2009, 04:23 AM
Sounds good.
I may be coming that way on Monday cause i have to see your mate Chris about a bolt i need for the Yammy.
A pirate
Oct 8 2009, 02:03 AM
sorry for linking to another forum but i think it can help, Im planning on building one of these in the coming weeks
salty fil
Oct 8 2009, 02:51 AM
I wouldn't use an internal pump.
salty fil
Oct 9 2009, 03:09 AM
QUOTE (Fed @ Oct 9 2009, 07:59 AM)

I wouldn't use an internal pump.
That i agree with.
I did it like my one with the pump out the back of the boat below the water line.
Everything else, in terms of the fit-out of the actual tank i did the same.
I went for a much smaller tank to keep the weight down in my little boat but so long as the water flow is maintained the fish seem happy enough.
If I stop the water flow they start to die in ½ an hour but with a large tank I've kept them alive overnight (18 Hrs) in still water.
Another thing to consider is the water temp, if they get too warm then you throw them into cold water they don't last long so that's a good reason to keep the flow running.
A pirate
Oct 12 2009, 02:40 PM
next week when i get some time ill start mine and take pics all the way.
im thinking of a midships mount the help weight and easy access for all ..... but if all fails that it will be down the stern with a simple over the stern discharge.
Oct 13 2009, 02:01 AM
Don't forget about how you're going to set up the tank to drain Pirate, unless you plan on making it removable to tip the water out st the end of the day.
I like a dry boat but maybe it doesn't bother you to empty into your bilge, that dead water can get a bit smelly.
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