First time here and I have been asked to give a fishing report– sorry no pics; was kind of too busy.
To make sure that we have a good day we are also weather watches – right tides, right winds etc. and Wednesday 19th Aug seemed to have all the makings for a great day.
No alarm – too excited for that and woke up at 0550hrs then the well-oiled machine went to work.
(Of course I am relegated to the most important jobs –beer, bait and food – in that order.)
After a “cold start” the other half with his frozen fingers from dropping the canopy to get it out from under the carport and redoing the studs up when it was clear and his 2 cups of coffee we were finally out of the drive at 0730hrs.
Knew it was going to be an exciting day because we no sooner had the boat launched (Thank God!) and at the wharf than this **@?#*

I know the wharf is the floating type but looking back down it I was like watching a disaster movie where there is an earthquake and bridges ripple – at least we managed to keep our boat from colliding into the wharf.
Nice trip down river!
Straight across The Bay to ”SFS” and anchored up 1st time right on top of THE spot. There were a couple of other boats in about the same area.
Within 30mins were had 3 decent sized blurters in the live bait tank – 3/4 of the catch from the week before: and it was only supposed to be a ‘fair’ day for fishing. Only fished for 3 hours and ended with a final tally of 8 decent Trevally.

Threw back a few undersized ones with a few ‘reddies’.
That’s why there are no pics! There was a period where we could only have 2 rods out because they were “jumping” on the hooks as soon as the bait hit the water – it was great!
BUT that is only half the story; it was all the other exciting things that made it a good day:
1) Watching the rescue helicopter off Cape Banks
2) Having the another 'fisho' who was already there ask us how we were catching them – poor bloke kept moving around us and I only saw him pull up a large clump of seaweed
3) Being ‘checked’ by the water police and did they do a job on all vessels in the area.
Their vessel was marked “Maritime” and it was not until they came alongside that we saw the arm patches and ‘POLICE” on the back of their overalls. They were checking for registration, boat licences, safety gear e.g. life jackets etc and catch.
They asked who owned the boat and I pointed to my other half; then they asked who was in charge of the vessel and I was ‘dobbed-in’ by this voice saying: “She is, but she’s only on P plates’ – really had them confused.
Found out when we got home that if there was anything wrong I would have been the one who was booked! Grrrrrrr!

Anyway I reckon they scared off the fish because the feeding frenzy stopped. So we packed up and headed home at 1215hrs.
Quiet trip upstream actually managed to have a beer. Saw another Maritime boat heading in the opposite direction. So they were out there!
Only thing that spoilt the day were the people out there that had NO BRAINS!
i.e. Those anchored in the middle of the channel to fish, jet ski riders that can’t read and/or just ignore signs and those who show no commonsense or courtesy i.e. creating washes that make launching and retrieving boats almost impossible.
Next report I will try and take some pics.