me tinks manufacturers throw all sorts of crap @ the public in a bid to sell their product
That's why I'm so critical of claims & put shit on them like I have done in the past in regards to the Trailcraft & now the Barcrusher.
I get sick & tired of reading about them in the forum by those who have never been in a good plate boat then there's the dreamers who'll never own wun but insist on raving on about them.
I've fushed & owned alot of goats in my time & have a pretty good idea of wot is a good hull.
Then there's my trade background & logic when it comes to construction, that alone tells me which of the plate boats I'd be handing over my hard earned cash for.
And if sum wun asked me 4 advise on which of the plate boats would be the best buy ???
I would steer them to wun of the smaller manufacturers who still hand build their goats & not to Co's like Barcrusher or Trailcraft who mass produce & build to budget, their boats may look OK but they're budget built & over priced for wot your getting 4 your $$'s
Ange this a a quote from there own site
OK I went to their site & am relying on my trade back groung to answer your Q & other claims made by that mob
5052 H34 Marine Grade Aluminum.
Over here true plate boat builders use 5083 H34 & the plate is stamped with certification,
they made have different codes in the USA but I doubt it cause we also have 5052 grade alloy over here, that's wot all your pressed boat manufacturers use - minus the H34
The H34 denotes the tensile strength of the alloy & cant be bent with standard dies on a press ewe need larger more rounded dies else the alloy will crack on the fold
Foam Injection.
At Starcraft, our foam is injected, not poured, between the floor and hull. This allows the gasoline-resistant urethane foam to fill every cavity – eliminated all air and water pockets for greater buoyancy and reduced noise. It's a difference you can feel as soon as you climb aboard in the strength and support of the floor.
Stupid thing to do in my book, if you've ever injected foam you'll agree with me it will exploded out to every nook & cranny posible & if ewe haven't allowed big enough relief outlets it will distort the hull skin have no fear of that.
Also if ewe ever need to weld afterwards you'll be blowing holes left right & centre cause the foam will bond to the alloy contaminating it once heat is applied.
Full-Length Reverse Chine.
Our exclusive reverse chine design pushes water down and away. This keeps the bow down as you accelerate, getting you out of the hole faster. It also gives you superior acceleration and improved cornering. It's one of the things that makes our boats unique.
Exclusive my arse every plate boat over here has them, not all the same mind ewe the older style platy's used extrusion & then you have hulls like mine which go wun better & use 80 mm of reverse chime.
TBC Stringer System.
Other manufacturers rely on flat I-beams as the basis of their construction, but at Starcraft, we use the elite Torsion Beam Construction (TBC) stringer system. This strong, resilient and flexible system offers greater shock absorption, giving you yet a smoother ride – even in rough waters.
Not 100% sure wot they're craping on about but as far as I'm concerned it's full on crap, over here noby uses I beam solid flat bar is used, I Beam would definately encourage corrosion.
Wot a stupid bullshit comment of there's as well saying their system is better / stronger
A true plate boat rely's on the tensile strength of the alloy skin for it's strength all the frames & stingers do is offer a bed for the skins to get welded to.
Machine-Formed Ribs.
Designed and built for superior strength and flexibility, our machine-formed ribs outperform the traditional, heavy two-ply aluminum ribs used by our competitors.
Woopy !
Again from wot I gather there's surface to surface contact encouraging corrosion
Double-Riveted Seams.
Throughout our boats, all transom and chine seams are double-riveted. Double-riveting provides a tighter seal for increased structural integrity. It's just another example of the extra steps Starcraft takes to ensure that our boats perform better and last longer.
Again wot a load of crap !
I've put in my fair share of solid rivets into aircrat to know better no such thing as a tighter seal with rivets unless you gasket in between the sheets
Buggered if I know wot they're flapping their jaws about cause from the pics their boats look fully welded exept for those rivets on the transom