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salty fil
Had my comp on the weekend and planned to fish it long and hard.

The problem was that my sister has been due to give birth any day and i offered to be designated babysitter for my 2 nieces and i was warned it could be on Saturday.

We went out regardless at lunchtime on Saturday, had some trouble getting livies (cant wait to have my 1000 L home live bait tank set up).

The water was awesome so we decided to fish the day out wide and then fish the reefs out the front on dusk.

We done some drifting at a ground near Terrigal for a couple of fish then headed to a ground wide off Newport for more bottom bashing.

Slowly worked closer in to Mona Vale and the sounder showed activity so drifting over it produced some fish including a 3 kg Snapper.

The sun was setting and the best time of the day coming on with more action happening.


We rushed back to the ramp and i gunned it back home, dumped the boat, had a quick shower and hit the road for the 1 hr drive to Parramatta. Spewing.

I did organise with my mate to meet at 5 a.m. to get a morning fish in, BUT the labour went longer than anticipated, over 32 hrs and i ended up spending the night there babysitting my 2 nieces who were loaded up on sugar and driving me nuts.

Birth was given at 5.12 a.m. so the sunday fish was off.

We only ended up with the 1 decent Snapper, a Mowie, a few Nannies, and about 4 Flatthead.

Oh, and a baby girl...................................
Congrats uncle salty. That's a fair bit of motoring in the boat and car. I had to drive down to Melbourne Friday before last, then to Queanbeyan last week end and then to Ulladulla last Friday. Seem to never be home. Three nieces now huh? smile.gif
Bees Knees
hysterical.gif hysterical.gif Nice Salty hysterical.gif hysterical.gif

love your work hysterical.gif
salty fil
Yeh K, thats 3 nieces now. We were hoping for a boy but not this time...

Due to fishing the wide grounds the boat did clock up some more k's than its done on a single trip, throw in the drive to Parra and i felt like a courier driver for the day!

Theres heaps of grounds off Terrigal that i wouldnt mind exploring. The one i meant to go to was called 3 Points, but it didnt have a bump or a fish on it.
A few hundred metres away i stumbled on some structure where we did do the drift.

Have to say what a difference the water colour is up that way compared to the Northern Beaches grounds.
Terrigal had a nice deep blue colour compared to my usual haunts. But the water had heaps of that fine weedy stuff going as deep as the eye could see.

Definitely have to spend some time researching the area, fishing wise.
If anyone knows the area some advice would be good.

If its good fishing advice il supply you guys with some good fishing reports........................ tongue.gif
Congratulations uncle Salty you done well.
I fished the terrigal area quiet a bit a few years ago, I will set the GPS up and see if I have any marks worth while to you.
Means I have to do a drive to Bermagui as that's where the boat and GPS is, will do it as soon as possible.
PS The water is Blue everywhere at some stage, just a matter of decent current etc.
Jumpus GooDarus
QUOTE (salty fil @ Aug 17 2009, 01:23 PM) *
Yeh K, thats 3 nieces now.

Do they call you Get Lost or Uncle Jelly Bean ????? hysterical.gif

If anyone knows the area some advice would be good.

It's Nth of Botany Bay salty
salty fil
QUOTE (nimrod @ Aug 17 2009, 05:42 PM) *
Congratulations uncle Salty you done well.
I fished the terrigal area quiet a bit a few years ago, I will set the GPS up and see if I have any marks worth while to you.
Means I have to do a drive to Bermagui as that's where the boat and GPS is, will do it as soon as possible.
PS The water is Blue everywhere at some stage, just a matter of decent current etc.

No rush Frank, when your passing that way mate. The grounds wont be going nowhere.
I didnt get a chance to see if there was any current cause we were just drifting.
Infact i didnt anchor all day, i was meant to set anchor on Sunday.

Ang, your a goose!!!
Sort of a fishing trip.

Well you said it. You wanted to look after the kids annd so you did.

Do you think they might have given them sugar just before they left for the hospital. smile1.gif
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